Hawkmoth's Plight

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She was in the corner, back to me, facing the wall. Mom. Her posture was hunched, and I could see the stretches of her costume tight against her spine. 

"Mom," I whispered. "Mom...Can you hear me?" 

There was a crackle of electricity, and then Hawkmoth was behind me. 

"I thought I might be seeing you soon," he paced towards me, the slow tap of his staff against the ground an eerie echo around his lair. "Y/N...L/N..." he surveyed me. "the raven Miraculous becomes you. I have to admit." 

"Let my Mom go," I narrowed my eyes. "I know what really happened. Adrien told me everything. I'll do whatever it takes to get her back, Gabriel." 

Hawkmoth laughed a slow, drawn out wheeze. "You really are...a Moth's apprentice." He tapped his fingers together. "So cynical, Y/N. So eager to hurt in the name of good...isn't that right? A means to an end..." 

"I'm not like you," I spat. "I'll never be like you." 

Hawkmoth didn't even bat an eye. He tipped his head. "Y/N, do you want to know why I chose you?" He sighed, almost in reminiscence. "I do recall the first day you stepped foot here. Your first mission. Your first near success." 

He stared me down like a child. "You were strong, impatient, and quick-witted. But that's not why I chose you. No." Hawkmoth wagged a long finger in the air. "I chose you because I saw the darkness inside you. The willingness to rebel and the eagerness to do bad in the name of a cause." 

"You're wrong," I told him. "You've always been wrong about me." 

He ignored me. "It's bittersweet, to see what you've become now. It's not too late for you, dear. My son might be too stupid to see what's laid out for him on a silver platter but you're not.. You'll always have a place with me. Here. Together, we can conquer Paris once and for all." 

"Don't you understand?" My voice sounded hollow coming out of my throat. "I don't want that. I don't want a place with you. I want you to fuck the fuck off." 

Hawkmoth raised his eyebrows. "Oh?" 

"I hate you for what you did — sending Seth after my Mother. After me? And then you you conspired with Adrien . For what? To bring me back to life?" I laughed. "Selfishly, I wanted to believe that he cared about me. That I was needed here. But all you want to do is use me, just like him." 

"Stop," Hawkmoth held his gloved hand up. "I've heard enough, child. Hate me all you want but you should know the truth about Adrien Agreste." 

He waved his hand and a chair appeared. "Sit, child." 

Reluctantly, I sat down, my nerves keeping me on edge. I jumped at a sudden sound. 

"That boy loves you with every fibre of his being," his words shocked me enough to stop thinking of a way to get my Mom and leave this hellhole. I listened. "To find out that my son was working against me as a superhero was one thing. To find out that he was fully and helplessly in love with my apprentice was quite another. Adrien was furious when he found out I was Hawkmoth. Even more furious than I him — something that I didn't think possible." 

"What is this? Matchmaking 101?" 

"Quiet," Hawkmoth shushed me. "He put his anger aside for you — every bit of fury he directed towards me was silenced. It was a romantic cease-fire of the worst kind." 

I rolled my eyes against my will. 

"I brought you back, Y/N," his eyes were full of stones, but there was a dredge of emotion in the watery depths. "Not just because I value you as Raven, but because I saw how deeply my son loves you. It's rare that love so deep exists amongst mortals but —" he broke off, staring at the casket on the other side of the room. "As you know..." 

"Emilie," I breathed. "You think that Adrien and I are like you and Emilie?" 

"What kind of father would I be, if I killed his true love?" Hawmoth's face contorted with grief for a short moment. "I would condemn him to a life of sorrows. A life that I live now." 

He fell silent and I thought his speech was over. It was a grand speech — well performed and all. But I knew that Hawkmoth was a sociopath, and a cold-blooded murderer. He would stop at nothing to dominate Paris. It wasn't about Emilie anymore — it was about power and control. 

"So...what does this mean?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. The silence was poignant and cold as I stared at the villain. "You're going to let me and my Mom go...so that Adrien and I can be together?" 

Any emotion that I'd seen on Hawkmoth's face was gone now. Replaced by an inkling of malice, creeping onto his face. 

"Not quite, dear Raven. You see, my precious son didn't hold up his end of the deal," Hawkmoth blinked slowly. "He was supposed to give me the Chat Miraculous, but Ladybug stole it back from me before I could use it..or take her Miraculous." Hawkmoth stared down at his hand. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I truly am." 

I could feel my heart speeding up, each beat sounding louder and louder in my ears. 

"I'll let your Mother go," Hawkmoth flicked his fingers and she disappeared, leaving the peacock miraculous fluttering to the ground. "I have no use for her anymore — stupid propaganda to get you here." 

That sent a slight bit of relief down my spine but I could sense that something else was coming. Something worse. 

"However, because Adrien didn't hold up his end of the bargain, I feel no need to do the same." Hawkmoth shrugged. 

"You're going to kill me?" I whispered. 

"Worse," Hawkmoth smiled sinisterly. "What is worse to the pure heart than unrequited love? A tragic story of star-crossed lovers turned into a fool's game of cat and mouse? Or cat and bird, I should say." 

"What do you mean?" 

"I'm going to make it seem like you were never here." Hawkmoth swiped his hand. "A brilliant illusion with Trix as my fox slave." 

My blood went cold. 

"Everyone will forget about you and you'll never remember any of this happening. You and your Mother will live out the rest of your pathetic days away from here and Adrien will never be able to find you or see you again." 

"the moth's apprentice" chat noir x y/nOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant