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The impact sent me flying to the ground. A searing pain went through my knees as the rough surface of the road scraped away the top layer of my skin. Incidentally, the fall sent me sprawling into the middle of the blazing Paris roadway. 

I readied myself to say goodbye to the world as car tires screeched a foot away from me. Much to my surprise, the very thing that nearly killed me subsequently saved my life. 

"You moron," the masked figure panted as he unceremoniously dropped my ass on the safety of the curb. His arms crossed, he stared down at me in a consdescending way, if that's even possible wearing a mask. His green eyes glinted, sparking something in my stomach. It was soon disolved by acid because feeling anything for this dumbass would be utterly ridiculous. 

In the corner of my eye, I could see people gathering with their phones, cameras, and other picture taking devices. 

"Don't you know you're supposed to cross the street after looking both ways?" 

I stood up, brushing dirt off my pants and glaring. 

"I wouldn't have been in the middle of the street if you hadn't slammed into me." My head was spinning, not just from the near death experience but from other mysterious waves of dizziness passing through my brain. 

The boy, or at least he sounded like one, was a couple inches taller than me, slight in build with wide shoulders. I looked away. His toned stomach was clear through the tight suit, so it seemed inappropriate to look too closely. 

He tilted his head to the side, causing his blonde hair to fall over the front of his mask. If I were crazy, I would've said he looked like a superhero. But that's insane. 

"Who are you, anyways? I've never seen you before." 

"I should ask you the same thing, you psycho cosplayer," I narrowed my eyes. "The fuck are you doing attempting to kill innocent people in the street?" 

The Catboy bristled, his ears literally flattening against his head. "First of all, I'm not a cosplayer, second of all, you were in the way, and third of all, you must be new around here if you've never heard of Chat Noir and Ladybug." 

Still reeling, I blinked several times. "Chat Noir and Ladybug?" 

Above me, there was a slight whirring sound, and it sounded like it was coming from the sky. The clouds drifted across the sun, as if giving their warning, just as Catboy swore loudly. 

"Fuck. That's what I was worried about." 

It was then that I noticed the staff at his side. Long and silver, it had previously hung from his belt but upon his command, it extended, touching the ground. I'd never seen anyone that looked like that, nor had I ever seen someone who appeared to be...a superhero? 

"Y/N!"  The voice didn't come from anywhere I could place. "Y/N!' 

I know you can hear me. 

"Did you hear that?" I looked at the weird boy standing next to me. "Tell me you heard that." 

Listen to me Y/N. Please listen. 

"You heard that, right?" 

Baffled, I turned my head from side to side, trying to place the voice. It had no pitch; it was a resonant sound that I couldn't really recognize. 

"I think it's in your head, darling," The boy answered, barely paying attention to me. Though, as he spoke, he shifted his feet uncomfortably as if somehow lying. 

His eyes were darting around, disregarding the people staring at him and taking pictures. It seemed like he was used to this type of behaviour. 

Their attentions were soon captured by a mysterious floating thing coming down from the sky, illuminating the source of the whirring. 

Catboy whirled around, something else coming over his face in replace of concern. His eyes flashed with anger. "Goddamnit, Y/N, you could've chosen a better time to reappear. Then I wouldn't have to save your ass, yet again. 

I bristled, confusion mingling with anger. "Save me?" I scoffed. "Save me. Are you serious?" 

"Hawkmoth's coming," He muttered darkly, running his hands through his hair. His fingers lingered on the back of his neck, causing his suit to stretch taught with the lift of his arm. Yet again, I averted my eyes. 

Catboy took a step closer to me, the hint of a smile playing on his lips. His bottom lip twitched out of amusement, worry, or superiority, I don't know. With a careful look over my face, he gently reached out as if he was going to touch my shoulder. Before his hand made contact, he paused, as if he'd thought better of it. 

"Your...your name is Chat Noir?" 

He tipped an imaginary hat. "You know it." 

Actually, I didn't. 

Now you do. 

Catboy's eyes found mine regardless, and there was something compelling in his expression. "We're in the middle of a war, darling. Welcome to Paris."

Without another word, he shot into the sky, disappearing with the silver stick that propelled him over the buildings. He was gone. Nothing remained except a tiny piece of paper that fluttered to the ground. 

Don't trust anyone. 

The thoughts fluttered around my head. He said my name. He sounded like he knew me. 

But I never told him my name. 

"the moth's apprentice" chat noir x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now