Done With Acting (Hayden)

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You had been married to Hayden Christensen for the last 4 years. Being the spouse of a famous actor was not easy, but you loved your husband so you made it work. But little did you know that your husband was thinking about quitting acting. He had thought it over and he realized he wanted to have children someday but he wanted to be apart of the kids life and not be away all the time do to filming.

These thoughts were unknown to you as he had only just recently came to the decision. But he would soon speak to you about it tonight, as he wanted to get your input on the choice.

After your shift at the vet clinic you set your purse down on the counter. Your dog named Anakin came trotting over to you and sniffing your dirty scrubs. You knelt down and scratched behind his ears and he leaned into you. This dog loved both you and Hayden but you were undoutebly his favorite person as he rolled over and you rubbed his belly.

Hayden was still at work talking to his Agent who he had worked with since he started acting. His Agent named Hank understood his reasons for wanting to leave the acting business. He told Hayden he would always welcome him back if he ever wanted to continue acting in the future.

Hayden got home about 2 hours after you did and you had changed out of your scrubs that you had tossed into the washer. You wore a pair of athletic shorts, and one of Hayden's sweatshirts as you lounged on the couch and watched TV.

You heard the security system beep as the door closed and you looked up to see Hayden. You smiled and he smiled back at you as he pulled his jacket off and laid it over the chair. "How was your day?" He asked coming over and sitting down next to you and you snuggled into his side.

"Pretty good, I had 2 successful surgeries, 5 cases of administering rabies vaccines!" You tell him, yawning. "What about you?" You ask him.

He shrugged, "probably not as eventful as yours!" He admits. "But I wanted to run something by you?" He said.

You looked over and nodded for him to continue. "Do you ever think about our future? About kids?" He asked.

You nodded, "yeah, where you going with this?" You question him.

"I was thinking I want to take a break from acting!" He confesses and your eyes widen.

"Why? I thought acting was your passion." You say not understanding why he would want to stop doing something he loved.

He shook his head, "my passions changed. Having a family with you is my new passion!" He says kissing your forehead sweetly.

You snort out something in between a chuckle and a gasp. "Are you sure that's what you want?" You ask him.

He nods, "more than anything!" He says. "I already talked to Hank and he was fine with it! A family with you is all I want." He says definitively.

You smile and lean up connecting your lips with his. You place your leg over his thigh until your sitting on  his lap with a leg on either side of him. Your fingers worked their way into his hair and he smiled within the kiss.

"You want a baby, Mr. Christensen?" You ask against his lips.

"More than anything, Mrs. Christensen." He whispered against your lips.

"Well I guess you'll have to give me one then!" You say smiling before connecting your lips to his.

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