The Chance at Happiness (Hayden)

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Prompt: your Hayden's daughters kindergarten teacher.

"You'd like miss. (l/n), daddy!" Briar said as Hayden held his daughter's hand as they walked to the front of the elementary school.

"Oh really, is that so?" He asks and Briar nods, making Hayden smile.

"There she is! Morning miss (l/n)!" Briar called to a young woman. The woman turned around from talking to another student and gave the girl a smile and waved.

The woman had a lanyard around her neck with an ID and keys attached to it. Her hair was done up in an updo, so children wouldn't feel the need to pull on it. She wore little to no makeup and she wore colorful and cheery clothing. "Good morning, Briar, who do you have with you today?" She asks having knelt down to the little girl's level.

"This is my daddy!" She answered with a smile. The woman looked up at Hayden and smiled kindly before standing up.

"A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Christensen, your daughter speaks nothing but the world of you! I'm (y/f/n)!" She introduces and holds out her hand. Hayden takes it and introduces himself.

"It's Hayden, nice to meet you, miss (l/n)!" He said with a smile. She gave him a smile before dismissing herself to greet the other students who had appeared.

"Told ya she was puity daddy, didn't I?" Briar whispered to her dad, and he knelt down and ruffled his daughter's hair.

"You sure did, Rosie, now get to class, I'll pick you up after school, sweetheart!" He said and waved as the little girl bounded toward miss. (l/n).

—Time skip—

The children were all having nap time when (y/n) felt a tug on her cardigan. She spun around in her chair to see Briar who quickly smiled when she saw her teacher smile softly. "What is it, Briar?" She asked in a whisper.

"My daddy thinks your puity!" Aurora admits and (y/n)'s eyes widen.

"I'm sure he was just being polite, sweetie!" She tries to explain to the child.

But Briar shook her head, "no he wouldn't stop staring at you after you left this morning!" She explains and (y/n) can't help a small smile from appearing on her face at the child's words.

"Okay, thank you for telling me Briar, now go and try to take a nap for a little bit, okay?" She says shooing the girl to her sleep mat.

—time skip—

When school ended, all the children ran out to either their parents or the teachers led them to the school buses. (y/n) made sure that all her students were either with the bus driver or a parent, that is until she noticed Briar Rose Christensen.

The little girl was sitting on a bench in tears, which made (y/n) instantly rush over. "Sweetie, what's wrong?" The teacher asked, sitting on the other side of the bench.

"My!" She said in between her sobs, making the teacher's heart break for her. She offered her arms to the little girl and she snuggled into them. (y/n) rubbed up and down the little girl's arms to try and comfort her in anyway she could.

She looked down at her, "how about I bring you back inside to my classroom? I don't have to leave until 4, would you like that, so your not waiting out here all by yourself?" She asks and Briar is quick to nod her head.

(y/n) watches the girl as she goes to draw at her seat. She takes her laptop and brings it over to the girl to sit with her while she works. But after awhile (y/n) is busy drawing with the little girl too!

About 30 minutes later, Hayden arrives and miss. (l/n) is annoyed at the father. "Sweetie, pack up your drawings while I talk to your father will you?" She asks the girl and she nods and (y/n) straightens up and walks to the door.

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