A Paw-sitive Encounter (Hayden)

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Prompt: when your walking your dog they accidentally sees something and runs after it making you lose her but somebody finds them.

-you and Hayden are in your early 20's


Hayden was reading from a script for a movie called Awake. He was sitting on a park bench in the park when a golden retriever plops down next to him at his feet exhausted. He glanced up and set down the script and studied the dog curiously. He was confused but he offered the dog his hand to sniff and they accept it, licking his fingers making him chuckle softly.

The dog hopped up onto the bench and Hayden noticed the purple collar around their neck. He grabbed the tag and read the name engraved on it, Honey. He then flipped it over to learn that the owner's name was (y/n) (l/n). He also saw a number beneath the name and so he whipped out his phone and dialed the number.

A girl answered the phone, "hello, who is this?" The girl asked over the line.

"Hi my names Hayden, sorry to bother you, but do you happen to be missing a golden retriever named, Honey?" He asked and the girl gasped as something on her end seemed to have dropped.

"YES yes I have!" She said excitedly. "I was walking her yesterday when she must have seen a squirrel and bolted." The owner explained. "Could I meet you somewhere to pick her up?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm at the park on 9th street!" He answered.

"Perfect, I'll be there in twenty minutes, thank you so much again." She says before disconnecting the call.

Honey placed her head on Hayden's lap as she waited and nudged his hand with her snout. He chuckles, "alright girl!" He says before beginning to stroke her head and behind her ears.

20 minutes went by before Honey's ears perked up once she heard her name being called. She quickly got off of Hayden's lap and bolted in the direction her name was being called.

Hayden looked over to see a (h/c) haired, (e/c) eyed young woman running over. She knelt down and hugged Honey to her chest and Hayden got up and walked over. "I'm gonna assume, your the owner?" He said and the girl looked up and was taken aback by how handsome he was.

She got up gripping Honey's leash in her hand before nodding. "That would be correct," she held out her hand, "I'm (y/n)!" She introduced herself.

Hayden took her hand and shook it, "nice to meet you, I'm Hayden!" He also introduced himself.

(y/n) looked down at Honey, "thank you so much again for finding her!" She thanked but he shook his head.

"I didn't, she found me!" He said.

(y/n) looked surprised but eventually smiled, before kneeling down to pet her dog's ears. "Well I've learned she's a pretty good judge of character, so she must have trusted you!" She said standing back up. "I hope she didn't give you too much trouble!" She said and Hayden shook his head.

"No she was no trouble, she's a sweet girl!" He responded and (y/n) smiled relieved.

"Would you like to go get some coffee, to repay you?"She asked and Hayden nodded and smiled enchanted by her sweet gesture.

"That would be nice, thank you!" He said and before they knew it they were walking side by side to a cafe. As Hayden waited outside with Honey (y/n) was inside getting them the coffee.

Once she returned she handed him the coffee cup and he took a sip and went to sit down. They talked for about an hour as (y/n) noticed the script laying next to him. "So—your an actor?" She asked and he looked up and over at the script.

He laughed and nodded, "yeah, something like that!" He answered.

She cocked her head, fascinated, "would you be in anything, I've seen?" She asked.

"Well I was in Star Wars!" He said and her eyes widened.

"My little brother watches Star Wars, I'll have to tell him I met you, he's gonna freak out!" She says chuckling lightly.

"He might not believe you." He said and she shook her head.

"Yeah probably not! Would you mind if I could get a photo with you, so I have physical proof?" She asks and she was so sweet about it he couldn't possibly say no.

"Yeah, of course!" He responded before she whipped out her phone and leaned in closer to him and she snapped the photo.

She looked over at him realizing their faces were pretty close. She blushed softly before looking away. "Thanks! I should probably get, Honey home, it was nice to meet you, Hayden!" She said getting up and throwing her coffee cup away.

"Wait, (y/n)!" He called and she turned around. He walked up to her and she waited for him to say what he wanted to tell her. "Could we do this again sometime, could I get your number?" He asked and she laughed and nodded.

"I'd like that!" She said smiling before handing him her phone and him handing her his. They input their numbers before handing the other back their phone.

"I'll text you, tonight! It was nice meeting you,
(y/n)!" He said before she waved goodbye and he watched her leave.

As she walked away she stared at her dog, "Honey girl, I think I'm in love!" She says as she walked home with the eyes of a man in love watching as she left.

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