Reunion (Scott)

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Prompt: 2 years after graduation Peter and Sophie get married and send invitations to the kids, who are now 20. You had had a thing for Scott but never told him as he was with Juliette and then with Shelby.

When you checked the mail you saw a white and green envelope. You set the rest of your mail down on the counter and read the address and paused. Mt. Horizon High School.

You ripped the envelope open and pulled the laminated paper out and read through it.

You are cordially invited to the wedding of
Peter Scarbrow
Sophie Becker

Mark your calendar for the date of August, 23rd, at 12:00pm, at Mt. Horizon High School. Please dress accordingly as it is an outdoor wedding.

You sat down on your couch and covered your mouth. You had not kept in contact with any of your friends from Horizon after you graduated, besides Daisy who you still wrote letters to on occasion as she had been your best friend.

You knew you had to go to the wedding. Peter and Sophie had helped you and cared about your well being more than most people had in your life. You wondered who else would have got an invite. You wondered if your high school crush had gotten one, and you figured he probably did.

You two had been friends but you eventually grew a crush, which made you distance yourself from him. But your feelings still remained no matter how much you tried to deny them.

——6 months later——

You stepped out of your car and shut the door after adjusting your dress. You started walking to the main entrance when someone called your name from behind you. "(y/n)?" A voice you could never forget called.

You turned around only to get rammed into for a hug by none other than Juliette Waybourne. "It's nice to see you too, Jules!" You greet with a soft smile.

"How you been?" Another voice asked and you looked up to be met by a face you could never forget; it had only been two year after all.

"I've been good, Auggie. You?" You ask.

"Me and Jules are still together, I got into art school!" He said and you were proud of him.

"I'm glad to hear it, I had a feeling you would stay together!" You say proud of your friends.

The three of you walked to where everything was getting set up and greeted Kat who was in charge of giving people their assignments and you asked if you could help at all.

Auggie was taken to set up chairs while you and Juliette were taken to get the food finished in the kitchen.

"Damn something's never change, we're already back on kitchen duty!" You joke and Juliette laughs and another voice joins in the laughter too.

You two look around and see Daisy in a dark grey dress with black accents. It was a very her dress. "Good to see you, Daisy! Got put on kitchen duty too?" Juliette asked in which Daisy nods.

You dry your hands and go to hug her and she stiffens before eventually wrapping her arms around you in a hug. "Do you know who else is showing up?" You ask Daisy as she had kept in touch with most of the other cliffhangers better than the rest of you did.

"Shelby and Ezra should be coming, Kat is already here and is giving assignments to everyone, but Scott  may or may not be coming!" She tells us. After that we start working again now with the help of Daisy.

At 11:30 we had finished and left the kitchens to get our seats which we settled on all sitting together. Juliette sat by Auggie with Ezra and Shelby on his other side whereas Daisy, Kat and you were near the aisle. That left you with an extra chair next to you. Which was quickly filled by someone.

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