At The End of a Bar (James)

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At the End of a Bar: Song by Chris Young & Mitchell Tenpenny

I found inspiration in this song so I went for it I hope you like it.

Jame's POV

I can find my future and forget my past. I think to myself before I take another swig of my beer. My girlfriend Emily broke up with me after 2 years together and now I feel as though my only friend is alcohol.

Maybe I'll find my answer at the bottom of my glass. I say about to take a swig of my beer when a woman stands a few feet away from me at the end of the bar.

"What can I get you?" The bartender asked her.

"2 shots of tequila!" She replied and then she spotted me looking at her and I looked away. She was beautiful maybe more beautiful than Emily. "If your gonna stare at least don't make it obvious!" She said and I turned to face her and shook my head.

"No—I wasn't!" I tried to explained and she let out a beautiful laugh.

"No worries, cutie pie; I don't mind." She said grabbing the shots the bartender set on the bar for her. I played with the label on my beer bottle before being slid one of the shots and her sitting down in the seat next to me.

"What are ya doing?" I ask her and she downs her shot before replying.

"You look like ya need it more than I do, ya look like shit, blue eyes!" She comments setting the shot glass down onto the bar. "What's got you so mopey at a bar?" She asks me.

"Girlfriend of two years broke up with me!" I reply to this complete stranger. She was easy to talk to like a best friend, yet I still didn't know her name. I take the shot from the bar and down it.

"Feel better?" She asks and I nod before she calls for a few more shots. We downed the shots and I started to forget why I came.

One thing lead to another and I was making out with the stranger from the bar under the neon signs. Sometimes that's where it all starts, when you drink at the end of a bar.

Not caring about tomorrow or if this would be a true love or a next broken heart. We kissed until the sun came up and we parted ways. We ended up as nothing but two strangers who met at the end of a bar.

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