Married Me (Clay)

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Part 2 to Marry Me?

You stared at yourself in the full length mirror and was about to cry. You never thought this day would come, but here you were; about to marry the love of your life.

Your mother pinned your veil in the back and fluttered it around you. You couldn't stop yourself from crying and Lilith, Clay's mother rushed over and dabbed at your eyes. "Try not to cry yet, sweetie!" She said sweetly and you sniffled as she helped you fix your makeup.

A knock at the bridal suite door made you four turn around. "Room for one more?" You heard your dad's voice come from outside. Your mother opened the door and your dad walked in in a black suit.

He sniffled when he saw you in your wedding dress. This was the day any father normally couldn't wait for, and your father was no different. He walked over and kissed your cheek, "you look perfect, honey bee!" He said calling you the nickname he had called you when you were a child. He had looked down at the little pink bundle and believed you were as sweet as honey, and the name had stuck.

"Is it time?" Your mom asked her husband and he nodded. "You two should get out there, Clay's already there!" He said and Lilith and your mom left leaving your maid of honor and your one and only bridesmaid, Luisa your best friend. Luisa left to meet up with Clay's best man leaving you with your dad.

Your dad went in to hug you and smiled, "you nervous?" He asked.

You fidgeted with your engagement ring and nodded, "do you think I'm making the right choice?" You ask your dad, needing a male perspective on things.

Your dad smiled, "honey bee, I once believed that nobody could ever be good enough for you. But when I saw the way that man looked at you, I knew that he would be good enough. He looked at you like you were the most perfect woman in the world, and honey, that's true love!" He said calming your nerves immensely. He was shedding a few tears and you could feel the tears start to pool in your eyes.

You sniffed them back in, "you can't cry, your gonna make me cry!" You say and he smiles and holds out his arm for you to take. You grab your bouquet before taking his arm.

You waited behind a wall and took a deep breath. The music began and you began to walk from behind the wall and that's when you saw him.

He looked so handsome in his black suit and bow tie.  You finally understood what your dad had been talking about. Tears pooled in Clay's eyes as you walked toward him. You saw the love in his eyes that were reflected in your own.

Once you made it to the end of the aisle the pastor began to speak. "Who gives this woman to this man today?" He asked.

"I do!" Your father answered before kissing your cheek, "go get married, honey bee!" Your dad whispered and you thanked your dad before he handed you over to Clay who took your hands delicately.

"You look, beautiful!" He mouthed making you blush and smile like a lovesick fool.

The pastor's words were drowned out as you two just stared at each other. You then heard him mention vows and Clay started. "(y/n), the day I met you I thought I had seen an Angel sent from Heaven. You captured my attention with your beauty, but you stole my heart with your kindness. My old heart may not have been strong, but it knew it loved you; and my new heart knows that it loves you too. I know that I will love you forever, and with you I know true love exists!" He finished.

Your eyes were watery and you knew another word from him and you'd be a balling mess.

"If you promise to love her as you vowed to, Clay please say, I do!" The pastor said.

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