Wedding Night (Lorenzo) (Smut)

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Prompt: After getting married to Lorenzo you are nervous as you had never been intimate before. But your husband helps you through it.

Lorenzo holds your hand as he walks backwards into the bedroom. He spun you around so he could close the door and lock it before bringing you to the bed. Lorenzo sat behind you and his hands fumbled in your hair as he removed the pins holding your veil in place. "Oh...thank you!" You thank the handsome man that was somehow your husband.

He trailed his fingers through your hair and his fingers felt good. You turned your body around to face him and he smiled softly at you. "You looked beautiful tonight!" He complimented and you blushed softly.

"Just tonight?" You ponder and he shakes his head.

"No, you always look beautiful." He answered and you smiled but it suddenly fell as you knew what was expected of you tonight. Lorenzo saw your expression change and he cupped your cheek with his hand. "Let me help you!" He whispers and you look at him and slowly nod. He removed his undershirt leaving his chest bare to you. He was a very beautiful man and somehow he was considerate of your lack of experience and took it slow with you.

You truly had been lucky as you had heard horror stories of wedding nights and how the men wouldn't care about the woman's needs or reservations. But Lorenzo thankfully however wasn't like that at all. "May I untie your gown, (y/n)?" Lorenzo asks you and you hesitantly nod and turn your back towards him.

You feel his hands on your back and feel your gown loosen on your body. Soon your hands on your chest were the only things holding it up. But as you began to turn around you are stopped when his thumb trails up your smooth back. You shudder involuntarily especially when you feel his lips brush along the skin of your back.

His hands moved your hair to one side and his lips brushed the shell of your ear. "Just breathe!" He whispered in your ear and you close your eyes and nod. You feel his hand move to your shoulders where the gown's sleeve was and he began pulling it downward slowly. Allowing you to stop him if he was moving too fast.

You allowed him to continue until your whole back was exposed. You felt uncomfortable yet comfortable at the same time. No one had ever seen you like this, especially not a man; but this wasn't just any man this was your husband, Lorenzo.

"Can you turn around for me, darling?" He asks you and you slowly turn around to face him, your hands covering your breasts from view. He saw this and took your wrists in a soft grip, "you need not hide from me, darling! Your safe with me!" He encourages you and reminds you.

You slowly allow him to remove your hands from your breasts and you look at him but he's not looking down at them like you expected. No, he was looking in your eyes and his blue eyes calm your worries with the look of love that only he gives you.

"May I kiss you?" He asks softly and you nod. He leans in and brushes his lips against yours before fully connecting them. his lips made you forget about your toplessness for the moment and was just consumed by the passion his lips offered.

He began leaning you back against the pillows and your body reacted bucking your hips which startled you as you had never done that before. You gasped and pulled away and Lorenzo looked at you as if he had done something wrong. But you just needed to catch your breath before you pulled Lorenzo's lips to yours once more.

You felt Lorenzo's hands at your hips and you grew hesitant once again. Lorenzo broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against yours. "Do you trust me?" He asks you and you thought for a moment before giving him a confident nod. That was all he needed before he pulled your dress down past your hips, your rump, down past your thighs and discarding it on the floor.

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