Lingerie Shopping (Clay) (smut)

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"Please Clay?" I ask with a pout pulling on his wrist toward the store entrance.

"No, I will not be caught dead in a place like that! I have my reputation to uphold!" He says holding his ground against me. I huff before getting a very motivational idea.

"I'll let you pick a set for me!" I propose and his eyes widen like a little kids on Christmas.

"Are you serious, then what are we waiting for?" He says before ironically dragging me into the store. A store clerk greeted us when we entered and said to ask her if we needed help finding anything.

I saw how her eyes lingered on Clay, not that I blame her, my man was attractive, but he was mine and only mine. I glared at her as Clay pulled me to the back of the store. I needed new panties so I left to go get my size leaving Clay in the lingerie section.

When you returned Clay held a black lace set in his hands. "You like that one, baby?" You ask and Clay nods with a giddy smile on his face.

"Will you try it on for me, beautiful?" He asks holding it out to me. I nod and take it from him, knowing that I had agreed to this earlier. I went to the dressing room as Clay waited outside the door for me to change.

I slipped the black lace straps over my shoulders and pulled up the panty part. I opened the door just wide enough so that Clay could see me. He turned around and his eyes widened before he pushed his way inside the dressing room and locked the door.

I feel his lips crash against mine and I feel myself getting pushed against the wall. His kisses were desperate and passionate and I feel his hands move down to my thighs, "Jump, beautiful!" He whispers against my lips and I do what he says and he holds me up against the wall as he kisses me.

After awhile he sets me down and kneels in front of me. His hand trails up my leg to the waistband of the panties and pull them off. "By God, look at you!" He whispers with a smirk before his thumb makes contact with my core. He stands back up and uses one hand to remove his belt and then unzipped his pants.

My man was crazy for wanting this right here right now, but I was stupid if I was ever going to deny him anything. He hurried until he was exposed to you and you him before making his way back over to you. He picked you back up and your legs wrapped around his strong waist.

"You gotta be quiet baby!" He whispers placing his lips on yours to drown out the noises that I made as he slipped inside me. I groaned into his mouth which stifled 95% of the noise.

But at this point I didn't care who heard me. I actually hoped that that store clerk heard me so that she would know that this man was my husband now and forever. His heart would never belong to anyone else, only me.

Clay's thrusts were firm and strong and it felt damn near impossible to contain all the noises this man was expelling from me. I wanted to scream out in pure bliss from the way he was making me feel.

As soon as I felt a tightening in my core I knew I was close. Just as I was about to let go, a knock stopped me dead in my tracks. Clay stilled inside me and a look of horror appeared on both of our faces.

"Are you alright in there ma'am?" A voice asked from outside.

I cleared my throat, "yeah..yes.. everything is fine, I'm just still deciding if I want this outfit!" I say thinking quickly for an excuse.

"Oh alright then, take all the time you need!" She replies before we both hear her footsteps fading away.

"Quick thinking, beautiful!" Clay whispers impressed before kissing me once again and beginning to thrust once more.

It doesn't take too long before we are both coming undone. We stifle our noises by making out with each other. We both breathe heavily and Clay rests his forehead against mine. "God your beautiful!" He mumbles staring lovingly into my eyes. He looked down at my boobs still covered in the lace, "and I am definitely buying you this!" He said with a soft smirk.

After we got fixed up and made sure we both looked presentable Clay exited first and then I waited a few minutes before exiting as well. I held the lingerie set in my hands as me and Clay walked up to the register together. "Just this?" The cashier asked and I nodded.

Clay grabbed out his card and I kissed his cheek in thanks, "thank you, baby!" I say and he just looks down and smiles at me.

The cashier puts the lingerie in a bag before handing it to me and winks, "enjoy, honey!" She whispers to me and I just smile kindly in reply.

Because little does she know, I already did!

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