Thank You Officer (Clay)

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Prompt: your one of the police officers who arrest Sam.

"Samantha Lockwood, you are hereby under arrest for attempted first degree murder. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law!" You say as you arrest the foul woman.

She attempts to struggle out of the cuffs you had her in, but you made it quite clear that she wasn't going anywhere. "I suggest you hold still and cooperate, or else things get far worse for you if you don't!" You whisper in her ear, before pushing her out of the room.

Other officers take her from you from there. You go to see the recovering victim who was now awake. He turned his head to see you appear in the doorway. He was propped up in a recovery bed, but looked tense and uncomfortable.

"What's going to happen to her?" He asked.

You came into the room more, "she'll be tried in a court of law, but I'll tell you her end will be nothing good!" You answer for him.

He nodded tears appearing in his eyes, "how could I have been so stupid?" He muttered shaking his head.

You walk in more, and despite your better judgement you grab one of his hands. "You couldn't have known; she had almost everybody fooled! Don't blame yourself, Mr. Beresford!" You say.

He shakes his head, "please, Clay! Mr. Beresford reminds me of my father!" He responded and you nodded. His eyes then grew sad, and you being the curious woman you were decided to ask about it.

"You loved her, didn't you?" You ask and he looks up.

"I thought I did, and I thought she did too! But I guess it was just me!" He answered and you nodded. You held a look of sympathy for the man, he didn't deserve any of that. He seemed so kind, so nice, and not to mention unbelievably handsome.

"Well for what it's worth, she didn't deserve you anyway!" You tell him and for the first time today, Clay smiled.

You were about to say more when your radio started to go off and you answered it. You sighed, you had to leave. But before you did you turned around, "If you ever want to talk in a safe place, my doors always open." You say before handing him a card with your number on it and your name.

"Thank you officer (l/n)!" Clay said reading the name off of the card.

"It's (y/n)! I don't like being called by my last name either!" You say smiling before leaving his hospital room.

Hayden Christensen & other characters imagines जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें