Dish duty (Scott)

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"Uh, I swear this is classified as child labor!" Scott complains as he scrubs a spot of dried sauce off of a pan.

"Yeah well it was your bright idea that landed us both here, so thanks for that!" I thank rhetorically, busy washing my own dishes.

"You think it was my intention to get caught?" He argues looking up at me with a glare.

"No I don't, but you still owe me for this, Football!" I say using his nickname.

"Yeah whatever!" Scott says getting back to work. When I put my dish away to dry I went to grab another when Scott ran into me getting dirty dish water all over me.

"Are you blind, Football? Been tackled too many times; can you just watch where your going?" I snap at him annoyed.

I grab a dry towel and start to dry myself off with it. He continues to look at me and I look down to see what he's looking at. My wet shirt had been white and was now see-through and clinging to me. "Uh, are you kidding me?" I groan ripping my shirt over my head.

Scott's eyes widened and I look up at him annoyed, "what? You were already going to see my bra with or without my shirt on, what's the difference?" I say and he says nothing and turns away.

He looks down at his own shirt and pulls his flannel off and offers it to me. I am shocked but eventually take it, not accustomed to his niceness. I slip it on and button a few buttons so that it hides that I'm naked minus a bra underneath. "Thanks!" I say and he just shrugs.

"Least I could do!" He says nonchalant about it. He turns back around and glances at me and his eyes widen again.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I say with a laugh, wondering why he was just staring at me.

He shook his head, "no—it's just—you look—nice!" He said.

My own eyes widen, "oh!—Thanks! I guess!" I thank him, not used to getting complimented very often.

We both look away from the other and try and get back to work, but can never stop from glancing at each other. When we finished cleaning I tossed my rag somewhere to dry. I dried my hands and went to put something away in the cleaning closet when the doorway gets blocked by Scott. "What are you—" I began to ask when my words die in my throat.

Scott pushes me against the doorframe of the closet as he kisses me. This felt like something out of a movie; me being kissed by a guy as I wear the said guys shirt. Scott's kisses were surprisingly soft and gentle, kisses I wouldn't expect from a guy like him.

When we broke apart Scott just stared at me, "sorry-for getting you into trouble!" He apologized and I couldn't help but laugh.

"It's okay, Football; you made up for it! But you still owe me!" I remind him and he smiles.

"Your gonna hold that over me the entire year aren't you?" He asks and you shake your head.

"No not the whole year, maybe 6 months!" I joke and he can't help but laugh.

"Well can I make it up to you by asking you on a date?" He asks.

"Where would you take me, we can't leave this place?" I point out to him.

He smiles devilishly, "I guess we'll just have to get in trouble together again!" He says and I smile.

"Sounds like a plan, Football!" I say and we kiss goodnight. I start walking away when I realize something and spin back around, "I'll give you your shirt back tomorrow." I tell him and he shakes his head.

"Forget it, you can keep it!" He says nonchalant, "it looks better on you anyway!" He says with a smile as we depart from dish duty with a chance at happiness, which neither of us could have ever expected.

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