*Special Himari chapter*

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Hello! This is a special Himari chapter! More like Himari having a crush on Subaru chapter. At the moment, they aren't dating, but maybe in a year or two..haha joking but im honestly too lazy to write another story. Oh by the way, Ill try to make Himari more open and straight forward, I hope it'll work out lol🤓

I sat down on my bed, well not my bed, the sakamki's bed. Himari Sakamaki. That sounds pretty good..ah well, I shouldn't think about it.

I sighed and stood up, I wanted to see Subaru. Although he probably didn't even know my name, ill work on it. He's a bit weird, but boys are always weird.

I opened the bedroom door, walking along the long hallways that were honestly quite frightening. I took out my phone, trying to distract myself from the darkness surrounding. Sometimes I heard Yui's squeals at night, and when I asked Reiji about it, he got a bit red and said something about "Ayato being hungry."
like obviously I knew vampires drank blood, therefore Yui is probably a food source to them.
I am curious of being bitten honestly, especially by my Subaru. Not mine, maybe one day though...

Hm, maybe I could show off with my coolness, by letting him bite me. Show him im tough and stuff.
I placed my hand beneath my chin, thinking about it. I was either very stupid, or very tough and cool. I slid my phone back into my pocket, deciding to put matters into action.

I walked down the staircase, keeping an eye out for Subaru, but eventually going outside to their garden, since Subaru was always there.

I saw him in the distance, taking care of some of the beautiful roses. He seemed so gentle with them, although he was usually short-tempered and rough. Ah, actually, probably all vampires are rough to some point.

"Hey Subaru!" I called out, waving my hand and walking closer towards him.
He turned towards me, the soft smile on his lips disappearing. Ouch.
"What?" He asked, his voice sounding a bit hoarse.
"Look, I have a great idea." I smiled confidently, waiting for his reply.
He stayed silent, giving me a "What the fuck are you talking about" look.
"Alright, so, youre going to drink some of my blood."
"What?" He murmured, glancing down at me several times, as if trying to comprehend what I just said.

Ohh shit, I couldn't tell if that was a positive "What," or negative "What."

"Uhh you know, bite me and drink blood?"
"Are you crazy? Do you realize what youre asking for Himari?" He sounds somewhat angry, and the fact that he was towering over me made the situation a bit scary.
"Huh?" I mumbled, tilting my head to the side in confusion.

"Why would you ask something like that? Do you realize how vulnerable you are, already?!"

I crossed my arms, glaring up at him. Yes, I was honestly vulnerable, but he shouldn't say it outloud!
"Im not vulnerable you Bimbo bitch, youre just a moody vampire that seems to still be in puberty." I paused, swallowing since my throat felt dry suddenly, "Always cranky and by the way, you should try out a fucking therapist. Anger issues are a thing, you know?"

I mean, that was a bit too much, but I had a very bad temper myself. And honestly I was just trying to help him out a bit.

He stared down at me in disbelief, but before he could say anything I walked away. Maybe, just maybe because I felt cool that way.

I yanked the door open, deciding that I would get myself bitten. At this point, I was acting out of pure rev- nope, stubborness was the correct term. I wanted to show him, that being bitten was nothing.

Alright, who was there to ask..Not Reiji, neither Shu...Laito was perverted..Kanato. He was weird, honestly, but I wasn't going to judge him. He seemed to like me, and thats good..right?

I made my way to Kanato's bedroom, knocking on the door. I had been in his room once, for a tea party, so it was somewhat familiar.

He opened the door fairly quickly and smiled at me, holding his teddy tightly towards his chest.
"Wha- Oh hey Himari!" He grinned at me in a creepy way, and I just smiled awkwardly.

"Hello Kanato! I was wondering if...like you'd wanna feast on me?"

He tilts his head to the side, and leans closer to his Teddy, whispering something.
After a moment of quiet whispering he looked me straight in the eyes, "Yes, gladly Himari!"
I shivered, but nodded anyway.
"Great, so..can you bite me on my collarbone?"
"Anything for you my cute little Himari~."

I nodded a few times, trying to reassure myself that this is what I wanted.
I sighed to myself, I was such a fucking idiot. I wanted Subaru to eat, or feast, or whatever fuck from me in the first place, because I wanted to be close to him. Obviously, he didn't get the hint, and neither did I get the hint by my own actions. And now, my stubborn ass was here, moments before I'd share my blood with a total weirdo. I mean, I liked Kanato, but it was pretty obvious that something was off about him.

I nodded again, "Alright so..do I like lay down or-"

Suddenly I was grabbed by the arm, pulled away roughly. My eyes widened in shock, and I moved my head to the side frantically, trying to see who just practically abused my beautiful soft arm.

Subaru. What on earth was he doing here?

He pulled me into a room and almost threw me against the wall, "You want a vampire to feed off of you? Fine, ill do it."
He pushed my shirt to the side, and his fangs were inches away from my collarbone,  hovering over my skin. It seemed, like he was waiting for approval?

I swallowed, "Go ahead."

He sunk his fangs into the sensitive flesh, and I gasped quietly. It felt weird. I didn't know how to describe it. Good, put in a painful way.

After a few moments he looked at me, his gaze gentle and caring. His finger circled over the bite mark, and I winced, "I didn't bite deep, it should start healing by tomorrow Himari." He pulls his finger away, and I immediately missed his touch.

"Ah, yeah sure." I chuckle nervously, and my hand wonders up to my collarbone, covering the bite mark.

He glances at my collarbone again, "Don't ask somebody to bite you again, apart from me. Okay?"

Heat arose in my cheeks, "Uh, yeah totally." I smiled and turned away, walking away, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach.

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