Chapter 21: Sending A Message

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**AN:** Hey peeps I'm back and welcome to new chapter of the Ultimate Weapon. We have officially started the AU arc known as the Bounty Arc. I gave you guys a sneak peek in what's to come. Basically the story is that seven assassins have come to town and Izuku has to take them all down in order to find the man that but the bounty on his head. In this chapter there will be action, but the assassins won't come till chapter 23 and they won't be revealed to chapter 22.

In this Arc Izuku will be pushed to the test in by the assassins. He will fight, he will shoot, and he break a lot of bones. There will be reveals. Bullseye return in this arc and the mother of Blaze will be revealed. How will Shadow fare when he see his mother's killer and the mother of his sister. Wait and see.Also in this arc Izuku will be getting some new toys such as a gun, and a motorcycle. He will also be getting new powers and a new transformation.

Our favorite teen will be going back to his roots, is this a good sign for Izuku or a bad sign.Also one more thing. Do you guys want Izuku to get the Shadow red hair or nah just stick with the green and keep it going. I want to hear you're opinion on it, if you want it I can do it. If not we'll stick with green. Please comment on that.Anyway I'm back and I have news for you. I decided that this story will probably a hundred chapters. With the way the manga headed combine with my own story, it looks like I'll be delivering you guys some heat for a long time. Also in this arc we see the difference between All Might and Izuku. This arc is where Izuku will separate himself from everyone else including the pros.

This where Izuku will show why he is Ultimate.Last thing I have speaking with other writers such as LordXG3, I can tell you that a dekuvers story is an development. Now those that know who LordXG3 is you know him as the author of the hit story Fafnir knight. I reached out to him and we talked. We are planning on bringing my Ultimate Weapon, his Fafnir knight and few other Deku's from great authors in the myhero category of stories together. These Deku's will come together and will have to save the world, but can these different versions of the same man co-exist or will they put heads. Wait and see.There will also be a lemon in season three. I'm not telling the characters.

Izuku was having a rough night, a very, very, very, rough night. Why you may ask? Well because he has been shot at, stabbed, poisoned, set on fire, beaten, and he died for like five seconds. He was bloody, beaten, hurt, and utterly exhausted, but yet the teen was not done. He still had one target left, he still had one last fight, one last battle.Izuku leaned on the wall of the elevator as it was going up. Blood dripping down the side of his head, hell blood was dripping all over him. Drops were hitting the marble floor as his eyes were glued on the numbers that were lighting up telling him that he was headed towards his destination.

The destination is where his target resided throughout this hellacious night and it was only thanks to a certain man that Izuku was able to find him.This man did something very foolish and now he was going to pay for it. This man had the balls to put a bounty on his head. A contract that had seven of the world's most deadly assassins after him. A contract that was worth $50,000,000 and with one objective, and that was to kill him. To say Izuku was very pissed is watering it down, he was worst and he went out to stop him.He fought assassin after assassin, and now after this long night Izuku was close. The elevator had made a sound signaling that he arrived at the floor. The doors opened and the teen stepped out ready to end this night with the defeat a notorious crime boss.He was ready to end this night and show the world why he is not like everyone else. He will show him that is **Ultimate** , but before we get there let's rewind to see how this all started.* * * _

**One Day earlier**_Izuku and Gran Torino were walking down the street in Hosu, people greeted them as they were rock stars. Especially Izuku since everyone that lived in Hosu knew who he was. He was the Stain removal and god Izuku hated that nickname, he hates it more than people calling him a prodigy. Seriously he doesn't know how many times that he's told people that his name is Shadow.Torino said hello to them, Izuku didn't greet them. The teen didn't care about hello's or high-fives, hell he didn't want to be on the street in broad daylight. Pro's already have a target on their back just for being heroes.

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