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Todoroki's pov

April, one of my favorite months. The cherry blossoms are beautiful as ever. Especially when they blow in the cold-ish wind. Bakugou's birthday is also in April. Not that we talk anymore. Neither of us even wave to each other in the hallway.

I stared at the piano as I sat on the bench. Playing has been very different compared to what it used to be. I lost the motivation while everyone else continues getting better. I haven't even went back to the concert hall since I've stopped playing.

Humming to myself I imagine pressing the keys. My hands never lift up to even touch the piano. I always sit in the music room dreaming of playing the piano like I used to. But I can't bring myself to even press a key. It should be simple but my mind won't allow me to.

"You gonna sit in here moping all day?" Midoriya stood in the door way.

"Was just about to leave." I picked my bag up.

"You know school ended hours ago." He chuckled.

"If I'm going to play piano again I have to try." I gathered my piano notes.

"Trying doesn't take hours, especially when nothing was accomplished." He smacked the back of my head softly.

"Whatever you say." I rolled my eyes.

We walked in the hallway in silence. Only our footsteps could be heard beside someone yelling.

"Katsuki?" Midoriya looked into a classroom.

"Get out of here Deku!" He threw a notebook at Midoriya.

"Look I have Todoroki-kun to help you with piano!" He smiled proud of himself.

"I don't play-" I was cut off

"I don't need his help." Bakugou said.

Midoriya sighed and shook his head. He glanced at me then at Bakugou afterwards he was mumbling to himself.

"I'm going to go home Midoriya. I'll see you tomorrow." I waved and left.

It was too awkward with them. Midoriya has tried to get me and Bakugou to hang out. Everytime it never works, I used to stay home and stand Bakugou up. Not that I didn't want to go. But I couldn't necessarily leave the house.

Outside of the school it was a bit cold. These long sleeves aren't keeping me very warm I wish I had my jacket. The lights began to blink as I quickly crossed the train tracks.

"Todoroki!" I looked behind me and it was Bakugou.

He was on the other side of the tracks. I debated if I should wait for the train to pass or keep walking. My legs told me to keep moving like I wasn't ready to face him again especially alone. Between the carts of the train I could see his harsh glare.

Even then I still walked away. What was I supposed to say? He's been disappointed about me quitting piano, it was something we bonded over. Without it was what drew us apart.

Before going home I stopped by a bakery. The owners smiled at me handing me my usual. Vanilla cake with chocolate covered strawberries. The sun was beginning to set as I was getting closer to home. The sky was painted with yellow, pinks, and purples.

Luckily father is usually on business trips. My siblings are usually off at college. I've been home alone since the holidays. Unlocking the house I took my shoes off and placing the cake on the counter. The house is dark and dusty. If anyone walks inside they'd probably have a sneeze attack. I've just grown used to it.

My feet pattered against the stairs as I opened the door to my room. It was clean unlike the rest of the house. Sitting at my desk I sighed.

"Gotta come up with a plan." I mumbled.

Tapping my pen against the desk I wrote many ideas down in my notebook. But one stood out and I smiled decided to commit.


668 words

What do you think Todoroki is going to plan? Why did he stop playing piano?

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