Hospital visit

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The air was cold like ice. When it went into your lungs it almost sent a shock to your system. Bakugou stood outside of Todoroki's hospital room. He couldn't bring himself to knock on the door. All he did was stand there looking at the floor.

His mind was going through all the possibilities wrong with Todoroki. He would never admit it but he was scared. The chances of it being anything serious was low. But that chance was enough for Bakugou to think about it. Even if something is wrong with Todoroki he can't just abandon him. Especially not at the time he needed him the most. So he finally knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Todoroki allowed.

Bakugou walked inside getting hit in the face by the smell of medical stuff. By glancing around the room he couldn't catch a reason for the smell to be strong. His eyes landed on Todoroki at last. He was hooked up to an IV but that was all that seemed wrong. At least besides the look in his eyes.

"Don't look at me like that." Todoroki looked away.

"I'm just looking at you stop overanalyzing!" Bakugou stomped sitting on the chair next to the bed.

"You're looking at me like I might be stuck here for the rest of my life..." He trailed off.

"What did they say was wrong with you?" Bakugou asked.

"Mainly that I haven't been eating or getting proper rest." Todoroki rolled his eyes.

"That's nothing to roll your eyes about you idiot!" The older male yelled.

"I should be discharged later today so they're just overreacting." The mismatched haired boy crossed his arms.

"Says the one who passed out. Do you want to go do something when you're able to leave?" Bakugou questioned.

"Me and Kirishima have plans, you can join if you want." Todoroki suggested.

"Is he going to not show up again?" The blonde chuckled.

"Shut up!" The younger glared.

"You're beginning to spend a lot of time with him." Bakugou said.

"You jealous?" Todoroki asked.

Of course he was jealous. All he wanted was Shoto. Not see him smile to another guy. Spend more time with someone else. See the way he looks at Kirishima. Bakugou wanted Todoroki and only if he said it sooner maybe the younger boy would be his.

"Of course not." He grumbled in response.

"You don't sound confident about that." Todoroki tilted his head.

"Shut up you bastard!" Bakugou stood up walking towards the door.

"Before you leave, did we make it to the next round?" The younger looked at Bakugou's back.

"We did, the next performance is in 2 weeks." Then he left the room.

Todoroki wished he would've stayed longer. He hated being here all alone. After his mother passed hospitals scared him. Especially the way his room stunk of so much medicine. He hadn't realized he was crying until the tears landed on his hands.

"Ready for the tests?" The nurse walked in with a cart.

Shoto quickly wiped away the tears and nodded. The nurse poked his arm to draw blood. Todoroki looked outside of the window seeing the blonde leave the premises.


Bakugou's pov

On the way to my house I passed by Kirishima. We both stopped in front of each other. Kirishima held a bag in his hand must be a gift for Shoto.

"Where are you coming from?" Kirishima asked.

"The hospital." I replied.

"You and Todoroki spend a lot of time together." He smiled slightly.

"We don't spend that much time-" I was cut off.

"Anytime me and him are together you always get brought up. Must be because you've known each other for so long." He looked away from me.

"You jealous?" I smirked playfully.

"No he doesn't belong to me." Kirishima walked away.

My eyes widened as he left. Shoto has a crush on him so why does he feel like that? I didn't move one inch as I was so lost in my thoughts.

Cherry blossoms fell off their trees and blew around in the wind. The wind was warm and comforting like a blanket. I held out my hand and caught one of the cherry blossoms. Shoto probably talks about me often due to all the memories we have together. If only we felt the same than I wouldn't have to feel this way. Jealous. We both needed each other in different ways. He needs support and I need him forever. I want him to be my lover.


754 words

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