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Bakugou's pov

It's been weeks since I've visited Shoto. Well actually ever since he told me what's been happening with him. I didn't know what to tell him, especially after what he last said. What was I supposed to respond? I've barely ever been speechless and of course that was one of them.

Nationals is tomorrow. Is he even going to play? I looked up at the sky seeing the rain clouds grow closer. Kirishima hasn't stopped nagging me about visiting Shoto. So to make it up to him I went to Moonlight Cafè and got his favorite. Vanilla cake with chocolate covered strawberries.

It began to rain as I left the bakery. I sighed as I hurried towards the hospital. Luckily it wasn't heavy yet. Once I arrived I shivered from the air conditioning. Going towards Shoto's room I didn't even bother knocking.

"Got you something." I placed the box on his lap.

"I- I didn't expect you to come back..." Shoto trailed off.

"I didn't expect it either." I sat down in the chair next to his bed.

His hair was messy compared to normal. I could see his eyes were red from crying. He looked at me tilting his head.

"If you want to forget, all you have to do is press the reset button." Shoto's fork poked at the cake.

"I told you already, I won't ever forget you." I replied.

"I know you want to though." He smiled sadly.

I bit my lip looking away from him. Of course I wonder what my life would be like if I never met you. I'd never think about regretting it though. I look back at him and feel my cheeks heat up. He's always been the one I wanted. The one I've always imagined to see in my future. He hummed satisfied with every bite of cake he ate. His eyes were so soft I'd love to admire everything about them everyday.

"I love you." I blurted out.

"I love you too." He said without hesitation.

Shoto glanced at me and a smile grew on his face. I stood up bending my head down as Shoto lifted his up. Our lips were almost touching. I placed my hand on his cheek as I tilted my head slightly pressing my lips against his.

His strawberry tasting lips moved perfectly in sync with mine. Neither one of us wanted to pull away as I nipped his bottom lip. Our tongues swirled around each other. Soon we had to pull away for air. It felt like I was in a haze not being able to comprehend that this was real. Shoto panted softly as he looked away a light pink painting his cheeks. I chuckled kissing his cheek then sitting back on the chair.

"Shouldn't you be practicing for tomorrow?" Shoto mumbled.

"I can do that later. Have you practiced?" I asked.

"Barely." He scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Than I should leave so you can practice." I stood up.

"Stay." He mumbled.

"Shoto you need to practice." I sighed.

"I will, just sit down and be quiet." He pointed to the chair.

"Fine." I huffed sitting down.

He stood up going towards his backpack pulling out a music book. Then he sat back on his bed opening the book. I watched in silence paying attention to any action he did. He hummed moving his hands acting like he was hitting the keys on the piano. This was his habit ever since he was young. How he practiced when he wasn't near a piano.

The way he bit his lip being so focused on the piece. The way his eyes wouldn't dare to move away from the pages. The way once he finished he smiled at me. He plays for me. I know deep down though if he didn't play he wouldn't know what to do with his life. The piano was carved into his soul. Something he couldn't give up easily.


665 words

Sorry that this chapter is shorter. Thanks for reading and voting!

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