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Todoroki's pov

The day had began to get rainy and cloudy. Earlier it was a beautiful day almost like today was supposed to be lucky. I was looking out of the hospital window when the door opened.

"I'm fine Mido-" I looked at the one in the doorway.

"Do I really look like that nerd?" Bakugou grumbled closing the door.

"He said he was on his way with Kirishima." I was surprised.

"Told them to leave." He sat on the chair next to me.

His eyes looked into mine trying to read them. I wonder how they looked. Scared, lonely, helpless. Whatever he saw I hope it wasn't those feelings. I examined his eyes for emotions which appeared easily.

"You're hurt that I didn't show up." I sighed.

"I'm more hurt that you picked the perfect moment to get hurt." He chuckled.

"Perfect moment?" I asked.

"Making me find out the news after my performance." He clicked his tongue.

"Good, if you found out before it could've ruined your performance." I smiled slightly.

"You know I couldn't place without you, right?" He questioned.

"Played your heart out anyway." I shrugged.

"You really think I care if I played or not!" He stood up looking down at me.

"That's the priority as a musician." I tilted my head staring into his eyes.

Bakugou sighed and shook his head in disappointment. His crimson orbs looked into my heterochromia eyes. I didn't know what to say. Anytime he looked into my eyes it felt like the words just disappeared.

"Guess I'm not a good musician than." He chuckled.

"Or you just don't have your priorities straight." I replied.

"Since you have yours straight, join nationals." He smirked.

"I'd rather not." I looked away from him.

"Why not? If you win then you can go abroad." Katsuki's brows furrowed.

"You're the one that needs to win. You'll get into the best schools if you win." I explained.

"Same goes for you. I've won plenty of competitions recently! You've been gone so many years that if you win it'll make it all up." He growled.

"I don't have a future though." I whispered.

"That's because you don't think you do! I'm signing you up!" He sat down filling out a form.

"You don't even know much about me to fill out that form." I smiled slightly.

"You will be playing Etude NO.4 by Chopin." He wrote down.

"That's one of the most difficult-" I was cut off.

"Something you can do." He glanced at me and smirked.

"What will you be performing?" I asked.

"La Campanella by Paganini-Liszt." He replied.

He knew exactly what he was doing. Choosing two songs that are known to be one of the most difficult. If one of us messes up the win would certainly go to the other. But if we both play well it would be a tough choice of who wins. I grabbed the form from Katsuki filling out the rest of the page. His handwriting was sloppy and I scoffed at the comparison of ours.

"My handwriting isn't that bad!" He yelled.

"You called yourself out for knowing exactly what I scoffed at." I laughed rolling my eyes.

"Shoto..." He trailed off.

"Hm?" I looked up at him tilting my head.

"How'd you get hurt?" He questioned.

"Fell. Gashed my head open." I chuckled as I looked away from him.

"I heard the nurses talking before I came in here." He gulped.

My eyes widened waiting to hear what he heard. Deep down inside I was hoping he heard news about someone else. But based on the way he was acting he knew.

"They said you're getting worse." He glared.

"I don't know what they mean." I lied.

"That's bullshit! Tell me the truth." He growled.

"I...My body is shutting down." I closed my eyes.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I fell because my legs gave out! I have Friedreich's Ataxia." My eyes began to tear up.

"But..." He trailed off.

"Katsuki I know what you're thinking. There is no cure. I'm going to be stuck in this hospital due to it not being safe alone." I sniffled.

Katsuki went silent and didn't even look at me. He was lost in thought. I stood up putting my hand on his cheek.

⚠️ Mention of suicide

"You want to kill yourself with me?" Tears finally fell onto my cheeks.


He leaned into my touch but stayed silent. His eyes looked into mine with sorrow. I could see how they watered showing how much sadness fills him. Suddenly he stood up grabbing his stuff and left the room. Katsuki must be in too much shock or he doesn't want me to see him in that state.

I stood in the same spot looking out of the window. He shouldn't have found out like this. I should've told him sooner but I was selfish. I didn't want to look weak in front of him or anyone for that fact. Nobody knows besides him but they'll all think it's weird that I can't leave the hospital for long amounts of time. This is why I had no future.


865 words

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