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Bakugou's pov

It was the next day at school. I couldn't pay attention in any of my classes. Now it's lunch time and of course stupid Deku just had to realize my brain being in hell today.

"Mind if I sit here Kacchan?" He sat down before I said anything.

"I actually do." I glared.

"What are you thinking about? This is the 5th time I've tried to talk to you today, also the first time you replied." He commented.

"Maybe I just don't want to talk to you." I grunted.

"Did something happen?" Deku tilted his head.

"None of your damn business!" I slammed my hands on the table.

I wasn't mad at him, he just asks too many questions. If he wasn't so curious maybe he'd be enjoyable. Actually I take that back. Deku took a bite of his apple clearly not leaving me anytime soon.

"What time are we meeting at the park?" I asked.

"I thought you weren't coming along." He smiled.

"Changed my mind. Feel like I'm home too often." I lied.

"Be there at 4:30." He stood up wandering off with his tray.

Maybe that's all he wanted from me. I shrugged to myself and waited for the squad to get here. Hopefully Kirishima doesn't mention Todoroki. I can't deal with more of him on my mind.



I stood at the park waiting for people to arrive. Kirishima will probably be late due to baseball practice. He begged me to join the team with him but I'm too busy with the piano. It'll just be like old times with Deku and Todoroki except that we're older.

"That's a pigeon." A voice in the distance said.

"Why is it staring at me!?" A kid yelled.

"That's what birds do." The man chuckled.

Suddenly I heard something like a cowbell. Who plays the cowbell? I walked towards the noise and seen Todoroki crouched down with 2 kids.

"You do realize pigeons aren't that scary." Todoroki laughed.

"It tried to attack me!" The boy with the cowbell claimed.

"Or looking for food." The girl replied.

"It was going to begin munching on me!" The boy pouted.

It reminded me of when us three were younger. Deku would've been the boy overeating and scared. Todoroki was a curious kid but always logical like the girl. I would've been the bird, secretly planning an attack and everyone thinks I had other intentions. The kids wandered off and Todoroki stood up turning around.

"You're here early." His eyes widened slightly.

"I could say the same to you." I walked towards him.

"Got bored of the piano?" He tilted his head.

"Apparently I really need your help." I mocked.

"You sort of do." He chuckled.

"You little-!" I was cut off.

"Todoroki-kun!" Deku ran towards us.

I rolled my eyes and shoved my hands into my pockets. It's hilarious watching those two because Todoroki is so awkward. He always seems like he doesn't know how to respond to things.

"I wonder where Kirishima is." Todoroki looked around.

"He's at practice." I replied.

"We could always do something while we wait." Deku suggested.

"We can't go anywhere until he arrives." Todoroki glanced at Deku.

"Kacchan go get us something!" Deku turned facing towards me.

"Why would I do something like that! I'm not an errand boy!" I yelled.

"Katsuki just do it!" Deku pouted.

"Don't call me that stupid Deku!" It took a lot to not throw hands.

"Can you go to Sun and Moon? I'll pay." Todoroki began to pull his wallet out.

"Fine. I'll go, and I will pay." I sighed.

"Thank you! I want a strawberry lemonade." He smiled slightly.

"I want a chocolate cake slice!"

"Moonlight cafè is better for baked goods." Todoroki mumbled.

I left without saying anything. Luckily Sun and Moon is close by and usually isn't busy. Once inside the cafè i glanced at the menu. I ordered what the extras wanted and I got myself an orange and lemon smoothie. I really didn't want to spend my money on Deku but it would look bad if I didn't get his cake slice. After getting my order I went back to the park.

"That's manly!" I could hear Kirishima's voice

"What did I miss?" I handed Deku and Todoroki what they wanted.

"Todo-bro lives by himself! That has to be tough." Kirishima was amazed.

"I don't live by myself I'm just mostly home alone." Todoroki sipped his strawberry lemonade.

"Seems like the same thing." I shrugged.

"You said if you were lonely you'd come over!" Deku complained.

"I find things to do." Todoroki said.

"Like what?" Shitty hair asked.

"I write in my journal a lot." Todoroki replied.

I seen the way Todoroki looked at Kirishima. The way his eyes brightened, I bet his world is full of color like they say happens when people fall in love.

"What did you get?" Todoroki whispered glancing at my drink.

"Orange and lemon smoothie." I grumbled.

He took the drink from my hands without even asking. I guess if I didn't want him to I would've tried harder. He took a sip from the straw and gave it back to me. I immediately took a sip after he gave it back.

That's when I realized it was an indirect kiss.


890 words

Thanks for reading and voting! There actually might be two (including this one) chapters coming out today. Anyways hoped you enjoyed!

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