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Bakugou's pov

"What did you just say?" I was taken aback.

"I don't want to be a third wheel so come with me." Deku resaid.

"Third wheel to who?"

"Kirishima and Todoroki."

"Yeah no." I shook my head.

"Why not!?" He pouted.

"I don't want to provide you company of all people. Plus they won't be cute together if things do work out." I gathered my things.

"Come on Kacchan! It'll only be a few hours." He sighed.

"Few hours that I could use to practice."

"Ever since Todoroki stopped playing piano you've always ranked number 1! What's the point of practicing if you're number 1?" Deku tilted his head.

"Someday Todoroki will come back, he's just acting like a teenage girl." I rolled my eyes.

"Kacchan...I don't think he really can play anymore." He mumbled.

"He just chooses not to." I shrugged.

"You don't see what I see." He sighed walking out of the classroom.

Don't see what he sees? I never known Todoroki as good as he has. But I like to think that makes me see what is truly going on. Ever since the day he stopped playing he's been unreadable since.

Even when he left school yesterday I tried to go after him. I seen the way he looked at me. Emotionless. No matter how hard I try to stay away I always end up back to him. But chasing after him has gotten me nowhere. Walking towards the music room I was deep in my thoughts. At least until someone bumped into me.

"Watch where you're walking!" I yelled.

"Geez you're always so loud." The person flinched.

I finally looked at the one that bumped into me. My eyes widened realizing it was Todoroki. Suddenly I was speechless having my mouth opened like a fish.

"You just going to stare at me?" He asked.

"Of course not." I crossed my arms looking away.

"Where you heading?" He tilted his head.

"The music room to find a song." I grumbled.

"I'll tag along then." He started walking to the music room.

"I don't need-" I was cut off.

"Let's see about that." He opened the door.

"Whatever." I glared at him walking into the room.

While I was looking at the music selection Todoroki sat at the bench. It was silence until he began to hum. Finally I chose a song, Waltz in a Minor by Chopin. Todoroki scooted over as I sat down.

"Let's see if you've grown since we were kids." He chuckled.

"Just because I didn't even place at that one competition doesn't mean I'm terrible." I rolled my eyes.

I began to play the piano. Todoroki watched and seemed really focused. His brows were furrowed as he watched my fingers hit the keys. Once I finished the song he opened his mouth than closed it again.

"What?" I asked.

"You seemed nervous, all of the keys you played were way too fast." He tried not to laugh.

"Why would I be nervous!? Especially around you!" I yelled.

"Because I'm such a great pianist." He smiled.

"You can only say that if you still play." I huffed.

"I wish I could." He looked away from me and at the piano.

"Deku told me about your crush on shitty hair." I decided to change the topic.

"I wondered how many people he'd tell." Todoroki rolled his eyes.

"You guys wouldn't be cute together." I bluntly said.

"Seems like your jealous."


"Uh-huh." He stood up from the bench about to leave the room.

"Where are you going?" I turned around.

"Home, if you want you could come with us tomorrow. Us three are just going to the park." He glanced at me.

"I'll be there." I grumbled.

After that Todoroki left the room. His cologne was stuck in my nose. Not that I would complain about it. Sighing to myself I put the music sheet into my bag. I left the room barely after he did yet he wasn't in eye sight.

What did I want? Him to turn around and wait for me so we could walk home together like we used to. Him to play that piano again so I had competition. Him to finally stick around and not bail. Maybe most of all I wanted him to realize that I was the right option not Kirishima.


728 words

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