Our Lie

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Todoroki's pov

I was being wheeled to the surgery room. Midoriya was the one Katsuki had chosen to be here while he is away. The pit in my stomach wouldn't go away no matter how much I tried to push it aside. Before I knew it I had a mask over my nose and mouth as I began to feel sleepy.

Will he be okay?


Bakugou's pov

"Number 21!" The backstage man called.

I told Deku to text me if he found anything out. Today I doubt I'll do any better than at nationals. Probably worse since he isn't here. Walking out on stage I felt confident nonetheless. As I sat down I took a deep breath beginning to play. My hands moved without me even having to think. My brain wanted to focus on Shoto instead.

The way his smile gleamed in the moonlight. Eyes sparkled with tears as he laughed so hard. His hair always being split perfectly never mixing the colors. How he hummed with satisfaction every bite he took of that vanilla cake with chocolate covered strawberries. He acted like there was no tomorrow sometimes. Like how he jumped off that bridge into the river with no hesitation.

I play for him. My heart is devoted to him. Probably always has been ever since we were younger. Anytime I play I want him to hear it. Hear what he has inspired to be like him.


"You want to be like me?" His eyes widened.

"Why wouldn't I?" I grumbled.

"I've just never heard someone say that before." He smiled brightly.

"Whatever." I looked away with a blush on my cheeks.

"Ya know Katsuki, I want to be like you too!" He laughed grabbing my hand.

"Shut up already!" I yelled.

"Maybe since we're devoted to each other we should get married someday." He giggled.

"You're over your head halfie!" I rolled my eyes.

But he wasn't over his head. We were made for each other like puzzle pieces. Even after years fate brought us back together. I don't regret anything I've done since it all led me back to him. The song was coming to an end but I didn't want this moment to end.

"Everything comes to an end eventually." Todoroki leaned against the piano.

But why so soon?

"Usually means there's something better in the world for you." He smiled

Like you?

He disappeared into cherry blossoms right as I played the last note. Just a figure of my imagination. I stood up and bowed in front of the crowd. The crowd cheered like crazy but I didn't pay much attention to it. I finally understood why Shoto seemed to never care about this stuff. He had someone on his mind.

Going backstage Deku was there with an envelope in his hand. I stopped in my tracks. My once colorful surroundings now seemed dull and bland. He looked at me tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I'm sorry Kacchan..." He trailed of.

I lied to him. I lied to Shoto that he would be fine. Quickly tears fell off of my cheeks. Deku gave the envelope to me. 'Katsuki' was written on the front in Shoto's neat handwriting. I let out a sob as I covered my mouth. My hands were shaking uncontrollably. I walked away not even caring to change. I ran all the way home hiding in my room. My back slid down the door as I gained the courage to open the envelope.

'If your reading this the odds were stacked against me. I guess it's time to come clean Katsuki. I lied to you, only once. Can you guess what it was? Todoroki likes Kirishima. That lie brought us closer together once again. You're the only one that knows everything about me. Everyone else will forget I existed. My time has come, but yours is just beginning.

With great love,
Your Shoto'

The page was now stained with my tears. My sight so blurry from tears that no matter how many times I tried to wipe the tears away it did nothing.

"Do you think you can just forget?" Todoroki sat in front of me.

"I don't want to forget you Shoto." I sobbed.

"Don't look at me like that." He placed his hand on my cheek.

The next time I look at you will be when you're in a box. Something I never thought I would see especially so soon.


734 words

Thanks for reading and voting! I'm sorry to anyone in tears. I was crying writing this chapter- Hope you guys look forward to my next book!

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