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Todoroki's pov

"If you wish." I let go of his hand.

Bakugou stumbled for a moment trying to regain his balance. Then his crimson eyes glared into mine.

"Backup for what anyway?" He asked.

"Since Kirishima can't hang out you're backup. So let's go do something." I replied.

"Like anything would be fun with you." Bakugou grumbled.

"Come on! I have the perfect place to go." I began walking.

"Tch! Only this once you bastard." He huffed beginning to walk beside me.

"How's Mitsuki doing?" I asked.

"Why do you care about the old hag?" Bakugou gave me a confused look.

"Haven't seen her in a while. Used to come over a lot before my mom died." I shrugged.

Many people look back at their childhood and think of simpler times. For me it was always stressful. Wondering if my mother would get better or if father would ever stop looking at my imperfections. I'd do anything to have my mother back even after the things she put me through.

"She talks about you every now and then one word she always uses is troubled." He glanced at me.

"That used to describe me perfectly." I chuckled.

"Tell me about your past-" I cut him off.

"Look, we're here." I pointed at the sign.

"Moonlight cafè?" Bakugou tilted his head.

"Best place for desserts." I smiled slightly walking inside.

"You've always had a sweet tooth." Bakugou mumbled quietly.

"I want 2 of everything in this case." I pointed.

"2 of e-everything!?" The cashier was shocked.

"Mhm, how much?" I pulled my credit card out.

"$45.78" the cashier replied beginning to place everything in a bag.

"You really got 14 things." Bakugou looked at me like I was dumb.

"It would only be 7 if you weren't here." I replied.

"You aren't even going to all of them!" He sighed.

"You're backup, plus I don't have to eat it all today." I glanced at him.

"I don't even want to ask all that you got." He facepalmed.

I grabbed the bag of sweets and left the store. Bakugou trailed behind looking around almost like he was making sure nothing happens. Finally I decided to sit on a bench. He sat next to me crossing his arms over his chest.

"This is my favorite item, vanilla cake with chocolate covered strawberries." I handed him the box.

"I'm not going to eat your stupid cake." His eyebrows furrowed.

"Trust me." I replied.

"I trusted that you were the one playing the piano yet here we are." He took the box opening it.

"Oh no did I hurt the princess's feelings?" I handed him a plastic fork.

"I'm not the princess here." He huffed.

"Actually-" I was cut off.

"If you don't shut up I will harm this cake." He glared.

"Let me have a bite." I opened my mouth.

"Fine." He got cake on the fork and placed it into my mouth.

Afterwards he tried the cake himself. His eyes widened in delight and he even hummed slightly. I grabbed the box of cake and tried not to laugh. Suddenly I smashed the cake into his face.

"Gotcha!" I laughed.

"You bastard!" He glared.

I quickly stood up grabbing the bag of sweets running away. Bakugou ran after me I couldn't help but laugh the whole time. Glancing back he was right behind me. Randomly I was tackled to the ground. We rolled back and forth fighting for dominance. Finally I gave up and Bakugou was above me.

"Thought you were getting away?" He tilted his head.

"Your face is covered in icing!" I laughed.

"What did you expect? It to magically disappear?" He chuckled.

"Kind of." I replied.

"What's going on here?" Kirishima stood above us.

"This bastard covered my face in icing!" Bakugou growled at me.

He then stood up crossing his arms over his chest. I stood up after glancing at him. Those crimson eyes held anger and any moment he would burst. At least that's what everyone else saw. To me, it was playful and the slight smirk on his face proved it.

"I can walk you home Todoroki!" Kirishima offered.

"Ah, thanks but I have to make a stop on the way home." I replied.

"Than what about you Bakugou?" Kirishima looked at him.

"Dinner time." Bakugou grumbled.

"Alright see you both tomorrow then!" He waved and walked away.

"Dinner this early?" I asked.

"Nope, don't want to hang out with him." He looked away from me.

"I should probably get going." I looked at the setting sun.


"Yeah?" I was shocked.

"Play piano with me, just this once." His eyes pierced into mine.

Those crimson eyes held so much emotion. Like he needed me so much. The sun caught them just right that they look a bit teary. I sighed and wiped his face off.

"Just this once." I smiled slightly.


817 words

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