Shooting star

138 7 63

Todoroki's pov

I was waiting for Katsuki to arrive here. The field had barely any trees and the grass was half way up to my knees. It was already almost dark outside even the moon could be seen.

"Where is he?" I looked at my phone.

He replied about 20 minutes ago that he was on his way. I get nervous everytime I'm about to see him. My heart beats faster desperately wanting to beat out of my chest.

"You look like a loner." Bakugou grumbled.

"I wouldn't if you would've arrived sooner." I rolled my eyes.

"I want to know something." Bakugou stated.

"Which is?" I asked laying on the grass looking at the stars.

"Why you actually stopped playing piano? Yes you couldn't hear the notes but for you to not try again." He explained laying next to me.

"It was the day of your first competition. The one you didn't even place." I laughed softly.


Everyone has competed and waiting for their score. I didn't even bother to look at the page to see mine. Mother was here and all I needed was her approval. She's the whole reason I play. I want her to get better. If I play well enough she'll be able to come back home.

Mitsuki came with my mother. She left us two alone to go be with Katsuki. You could see how proud she was with the huge smile on her face. My mother never smiled like that to me anymore. I can't believe I'm jealous of his relationship with his mother.

I stood in front of my mother. She has a wheelchair now due to her legs growing weak. Breathing tubes to help her breath. She's changed from even a year ago. For the worse. She used to hug me tightly like I would blow away in the wind. Smile like I was the only happiness she had. I miss her.

"How did I do!?" I smiled tilting my head.

"That's not how I taught you." She sighed.

"Others play with emotions..." I trailed off.

"That's not how you win!" She yelled.

I never expected for her to yell at me. I flinched so hard I fell to the ground. Then what she did next sealed the deal. I was beat with her cane. All I did was sit there helpless letting it happen.

"Rei!" Mitsuki ran over to us.

Her words began to blur together. I didn't care what happened. I gave up with helping my mother. Standing up I made sure she could see the injuries.

"I don't care anymore...I wish you were dead!" I glared as tears streamed down my face.

By this time most of the people have left. The ones still here whispered between themselves. I walked off but could still hear them in the distance.

"He's just a kid!" Mitsuki scolded.

"You think I don't know that!?" Mother sobbed.


"That's why I stopped. She was the only reason for me to play." I shrugged.

"That's a stupid reason." Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"Wha-" I was cut off.

"That was about 10 years ago and you never played again. At some point you realized it wasn't going to make her better."

"I had no reason to play again."

"Well now you have me." He stated crossing his arms.

I turned my head looking at him fully. His crimson eyes looking at the stars shining brightly in the sky. A slight smile plastered on his face. When he first arrive here he seemed frustrated. Now he seems comfortable like nothing could bother him. He yawned and turned towards me. We both searched each other's eyes searching for something. His eyes than wandered back up up to the sky.

"Shooting star, what'd you wish for?" Bakugou glanced at me.

"For my crush to like me back." I whispered.

"If you say it out loud it won't come true idiot!" He genuinely laughed.

I wish I had enough courage to tell you.


668 words.

Thanks for reading and voting! Sorry that it's a shorter chapter even more than the other one.

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