Begin again

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Bakugou's pov

I decided to skip class, especially since it's math. But the main reason was to practice the piano. Today I got terrible news that for this specific competition we need a partner to compete with. Sadly the only one that plays a instrument I know is Todoroki. The bell rang signalling it's time for lunch. I wasn't hungry enough to eat. A few minutes later someone entered the room.

"Why are you in here?" Todoroki asked.

"I have to practice even though there is no reason since I can't compete." I huffed.

"I thought you signed up though?" He sat next to me.

"I need a partner." I grumbled.

"Told you it'd be simpler to do violin. They automatically pair you up with a pianist." Todoroki replied.

"I need you to be my partner!" I yelled frustrated.

"You know I don't play anymore..." He trailed off.

I know, I was in the audience that night. It was only a few weeks after I performed at my first competition.


I sat next to Deku waiting for you to walk on the stage. Everyone was surprised that you were going to perform because your mother just died the night before. They're all whispering in the crowd about how terrible of a son you are.

"He's a mess." Deku whispered.

"Who wouldn't be?." I replied.

After that you walked on stage. Emotionless. You did the same routine like you do everytime. Bow, adjust the seat, start playing. Something was different this time. None of us knew what it was.

"He's breaking." I mumbled to myself.

Your notes began to change pace and your fingers hit the keys aggressively. Then you stopped in the middle of the song. Hands covering your ears as tears streamed down your face. Everyone was shocked and the only sounds was from you.

"What have I done?" You cried to yourself.

Someone backstage had to pull you off stage. The judges were furious. Even the audience seemed mad. This was when I realized that no matter what you did they wouldn't be pleased.

"Oh Rei..." My mother stood up heading backstage.

I wanted to follow but something told me not to get up. Someone in the audience was whispering about something that caught my attention.

"Did you see what his mother did to him a few weeks ago? Why would he cry about a woman like that?" A man whispered.

I didn't see what happened. Now I wish I did so I could understand better. All this time I thought it was you wanting her to be proud of your performances. Not that you didn't, but you had other reasons to play the piano.


"Why not try?" I asked.

"I have been! I can't even press the keys!" He admitted.

"Well you're going to press the keys today!" I pointed.

"What do you even want? A duet?" He looked me in the eyes.

"Obviously." I rolled my eyes.

"What song...?"

"Beethoven's 5th symphony."

"I haven't played in 10 years and you automatically want me to play Beethoven." He sighed.

"You've always been good at Beethoven!" I replied.

"Not anymore!" He whined.

"You don't even know that." I replied gesturing to the piano.

"You'll have to find someone else." He mumbled.

"Shoto just play god-damn it!" I yelled.

"Katsuki I can't!" He yelled back.

I grabbed his hand placing it on the keys. His hand was stiff proving that he was nervous. I tried to read the expression on his face. His gaze wouldn't move away from the piano.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Todoroki stood up grabbing his bag.

"Wait-" I was cut off by the door closing.

Maybe I pushed him to hard. I just miss the old Todoroki who would play the piano even for fun. That's what made me admire him. Recently behind his eyes is like a never ending ocean. Too deep to know everything about and now he's drifting too far for me to catch up.


*After school*

"Kacchan come see this!" Deku ran into the classroom.

"I'm trying to study!" I yelled.

"This is more important!" He started jumping up and down.

"I doubt it." I stood up gathering my things.

Deku was basically running down the hallway. He stopped outside of the music room. This made me tilt my head in confusion.

"Shush! Just listen." He whispered.

I listened and my eyes widened at what I heard. Beethoven's 5th symphony. Played exactly how it's supposed to. Guess Todoroki really just needed the push.


757 words

Thanks for reading and voting! Hope you enjoyed. Also how are you feeling about the story? I'm just wondering if it seems rushed, etc.

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