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Bakugou's pov


It made all the kids mad how Shoto never stayed to see his rank or even if he made it to the next round. He had a routine that I never understood. Perform, wait for the last person to walk off stage, then leave. If his mother came to the show he would hang back for a bit. But if she wasn't there he would head towards the hospital without hesitation.

"You said you're mother hasn't been home recently?" Deku asked.

"She comes home! Just not as much as normal. She's too busy with Shoto's mom!" I stomped.

"Shoto has said that his mother is getting worse..." Deku trailed off.

"You always get worse before you get-" I was cut off.

"Shush Kacchan! Look!" Deku whispered and pointed.

There he was. The heterochromia boy had tears in his eyes while sitting on a bench. He was all alone twiddling his fingers. I didn't understand why he was here and not the hospital.

"What's wrong!?" Deku ran over to him.

"Huh? Oh nothing." Shoto blinked the tears away.

"Something is obviously wrong idiot." I crossed my arms.

"You're the idiot." He looked me in the eyes.

I didn't get a good look at his face earlier. But now I see the injuries. His forehead had a big gash on it, black eye on his left side, eyes a bit puffy.

"Who did this to you!?" I yelled.

"I fell." He lied.


Shoto and I are practicing for our next performance. We still haven't chosen so we're running through songs trying to find the right one.

"We should chosen a slow song." I suggested.

"Everyone is going to choose a fast song!" Shoto groaned.

"But we'd stand out!" I crossed my arms.

"It's up to you." He shrugged packing his stuff up.

"Where are you going?" I questioned.

"Home, it's getting late."

I looked at the clock seeing that it's only 5:00. He probably just has a bunch of homework. He waved goodbye and left the room.

Just me and the piano. I'll never forget how Todoroki can make the piano sound. Majestic in a way. How his feelings used to fly off the piano. They suddenly stopped, and soon after is when he gave up.

Shitty hair walked into the room. He sat on the other side of the bench and sighed. I glanced at him confused he barely ever comes in here.

"About what I was going to say yesterday." He gulped.

"Must be important." I gave him my full attention.

"Todoroki...likes you." He said.

"I doubt that." I laughed

"It's true bro! Have you seen how he looks at you?"

"We're just...friends."

I don't really know what we are. Acquaintances wouldn't hang out this much. The tension in the air between us was always different from others.

"You're clueless." Shitty hair rolled his eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me!" I growled.

"He isn't mine because he's yours." He sighed.

"Nothing has happened between us." I replied.

"Then why does he talk about you all the time? Why does he act the way he does around you but not others?" He asked.

I couldn't answer the question. In my mind I haven't really wondered about these things. It was normal for us, we've always been able to relax around each other. We have lots of memories together that's why he speaks about me all the time, right?

"If that's all you wanted you can go." I grumbled.

"I bet he isn't even going home right now!" Shitty hair laughed.

"Oh yeah?" I tilted my head.

"You're clueless and he has you wrapped around his finger."

"Get out!" I yelled standing up.

"I can't believe-" I didn't wait for him to finish.

I stormed out of the room leaving my bag behind. Pulling out my phone I texted him.

Where are you?

I told you, I'm at home.

That's not what Kirishima says.

You're really going to believe him over me?

Leaving the school I took a deep breath. Maybe I am just overreacting. Kirishima telling me about what he thinks Todoroki feels messed with my head. My mind feels like a knot that needs untangled. The only one that can untangle it is Shoto.

Want to go to the field later tonight?


723 words
Thanks for reading and voting!Sorry that this chapter is a bit shorter. I kinda woke up way earlier than normal and I'm tired. Plus this chapter wasn't planned out great so that also messed with me.

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