Look at me

161 7 30

Bakugou's pov

Me and him haven't talked since that moonlight filled night. Both of us are at the music room at different times. Seems like fate is drifting us apart again. I hated it.

What makes it worse is that today is the day we play together. In front of the whole crowd. Nobody in the crowd even knows about Todoroki coming back. At least besides the piano teachers and the students performing today.

I can't find him

Then look harder

Kacchan he isn't at his house where else should I look!?

Moonlight cafè

"Where is he?" I mumbled to myself nervously.

"Number 32!" The man backstage alerted.

We're number 38, if he doesn't show up I won't even be able to place. Luckily today the audience's favorite can move on. But I'm not even worried about moving on to the next round.

He has to get back on stage. I want to see the lights bounce off of him. The way they made his eyes glitter like the stars. The way the keys sounded when he played. The way I could see the feelings bounce off the keys. I want to see it again. Even if it's the last time. I wasn't ready to say goodbye all those years ago. I want to chase after him for as long as I can.

"Number 36!"

"Always me chasing after you huh?" Todoroki ran in front of me.

"Wha-" I was cut off.

"Sorry that I'm late. Didn't mean to make you worried." He scratched the back of his head.

"Where were you!?" I yelled.

"Somewhere trying to avoid the crowds." He looked away from me.

His skin was more pale than normal. I could even see some sweat on his forehead. Was Todoroki always this nervous going on stage?

"If you want we don't have to go on stage." I suggested.

"No we're going." He gulped.

"Number 37!"

Todoroki ended up putting his hands into fists. That's going to make his hands stiff. I gently put his hands into mine and his hands automatically softened. He looked into my eyes with pure nervousness.

"If you get nervous, look at me not the crowd. Also whatever you do don't stop mid-performance." I chuckled.

"They're going to expect a lot from me." He whispered.

"They're going to doubt you actually, show them what you can do." I patted his head.

"Number 38!"

"Katsuki." Todoroki held onto my hands desperately.

If I could I'd kiss him right here without any hesitation. He has firey passion but he shields it by ice. Makes it so dull to the point he doubts himself. The way his heterochromia eyes looked into mine trying to find peace made me want him more. But he wasn't mine.

"You'll be fine Shoto." I smiled.

He didn't let go of my hands until we were about to go on. I walked out first and people cheered but once Todoroki walked out they all began to whisper. He has to rise to the occasion, I'll just have to bring it out of him.

We both bowed then took a seat at the bench. I play the deeper notes while he plays high pitched. I planned it this way so the audience could get a good look at him. See that he is back and capable of any challenge. Once we were ready I nodded at him and we began.

Beethoven's 5th Symphony. Growing up Todoroki loved Beethoven and played him any chance he had. That's why I chose it, he could probably play it by heart. Starting off strong with nothing going wrong. I wanted to throw a curve ball at Todoroki. All he was doing was being his old prodigy self. No emotion. I began to speed the song up and glanced at the judges. This will certainly deduct points but I didn't mind one bit. Todoroki sped up his notes too matching mine exactly. His eyes glanced at mine confused I smirked in response. The finish is coming soon so I slowed down the keys. Make it stay with the people. Make them long for more. Just how Todoroki used to make me feel with his music. It was over quicker than I wanted it to be. If I could I would sit here and play with Todoroki forever.

We stood up bowing waiting for the audience to applaud. Nothing happened for a solid 30 seconds. Then they were all cheering and clapping. It was so loud that Todoroki was in shock. Grabbing his hand I bowed again and we left the stage. Once behind the stage his hand grew weak. Must've been the adrenaline wearing off. At least I thought that until he collapsed on the floor. A few people behind the stage ran over to him trying to wake him up. I couldn't process anything until someone made a call for an ambulance. Was he that stressed this whole time and I didn't even realize?


831 words

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