Following after you

110 7 47

Todoroki's pov

Today father should be showing up at any moment. I gulped thinking about his reaction to what I have planned. Will he care or not? The front desk knows I'm not allowing visitors today until 12:00. Honestly I didn't want anyone to show up today at all. I haven't even fully processed my own decision, how am I supposed to tell him?

"Your father has arrived." The nurse walked in.

"Let's get this over with." I sighed.

She came over and pushed my wheelchair in the hallway. After that fall my legs never did gain enough strength to stand again. I can't believe I lost the ability so quickly. One second I was fine and the next it was gone. The nurse was pushing me towards a certain room.

On the way there I seen the blonde that I was hoping wouldn't show up. He was at the front desk yelling. Suddenly his red orbs looked over towards me. They widened as he realized the state I was in. The door closed behind me as my heart rate increased. I couldn't let this stop my decision.

"Why am I here?" Father stared at me.

"Shoto has suggested to get a surgery." The doctor grabbed a clipboard.

"If I get it I have the possiblity of walking again." I gulped.

"A low chance, and there's many side effects this surgery can cause." The doctor replied.

"How low of a chance?" Father questioned.

"25% but he'll still eventually lose the ability to walk again." The doctor explained.

"I still have to take the chance." The doctor handed the clipboard to me to sign.

"I've already explained the risks to him. Chances of death are also 25%. The other 50% is nothing happens or just side effects." The doctor looked at my father.

My father grabbed the clipboard quickly signing it. He didn't even complain even though the odds seem against me. I looked at the clock and it was 11:30. Guess I have to prepare myself to tell Katsuki.

"I want you to do some physical therapy today. See if you're body is still strong enough." The doctor said.

"I'll tell the front desk no visitors until 2:00 today." My nurse left the room.

"The closest appointment I have is for tomorrow. If not you'd be pushed out for 3 months." The doctor said.

"Isn't that too soon-" I was cut off.

"He'll take it." My father answered.

I glanced at my father wondering why he would say that. The doctor nodded and my nurse came back to take me to physical therapy. My father stayed behind with the doctor. My heart was now racing as I thought about tomorrow. I should've just allowed the sight of Katsuki to make me not do the surgery.

"Where are you going?" Katsuki walked up to me before we entered the elevator.

"Physical therapy." I replied monotone.

"We should get going." The nurse pushed me into the elevator.

"See you later Katsuki." I waved.

The doors closed then we made it to the first floor. When the doors opened we went through the hallway to the physical therapy area. Luckily the two buildings are connected. I was scared to try and walk again especially knowing I'll get nowhere.

"Go try." She pushed me near the bars.

I gulped staring at the bars for a while. Who knows if I could even just stand. Eventually I grabbed onto them pulling myself up. It took a lot of arm strength just to keep me up. Immediately once I tried to move forward I fell. By the end of this my body would probably be littered with bruises.


After the physical therapy my nurse took me to the rooftop. I told her to leave so I could have time to think. How was I supposed to tell him? Act like there was no risk even though every surgery has them. Act like the odds aren't stacked against me.

"Always trying to be alone." Katsuki chuckled standing next to me.

"I'm not always trying." I scoffed.

⚠️ Suicide mention

"I was thinking remember asking me to kill myself with you?" He asked.


"Yeah why?" I questioned.

"I don't think I can keep following after you." He looked into my eyes.

"I know." I replied.

"I'd love to spend my life with you. But death is a natural thing written in fate." He shrugged.

I looked down at my lap as I felt hot tears develop in my eyes. He shouldn't have to see me like this. He shouldn't have to see how broken I truly am.

"Katsuki... I'm getting a surgery tomorrow." I gulped trying to keep me from sobbing.

"But tomorrow...I can't be here tomorrow." He trailed off.

Tomorrow was the day everyone that performed at nationals that didn't win first place can have a second shot at showing their talent. They use the same music but try to perform better. If done well they have an opportunity to get the same treatment as first place.

"I know, Katsuki. That competition is your main priority." I glared at him through my teary eyes.

"No I'm going to be here." He crossed his arms.

"Katsuki! Listen to me for once, you will be at that competition." I yelled.

His eyes widened once I yelled at him. Tears finally ran down my cheeks. The wind blew sending a shiver down my back.

"I don't want to die!" I sobbed wrapping my arms around my body.

"You'll be fine..." He trailed off while hugging me.

My hands grabbed onto him like my life depended on it. He picked me up out of the wheelchair holding onto me. My head was in the crook of his neck as I sobbed.

"You have the competition tomorrow...but I don't want to be left alone..." I cried.

"I'll make sure someone is here with you." He held onto me as tightly as I held onto him.


1005 words

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