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Brie POV
I've decided to leave this life behind... the only way is, is to disappear. I'm going to UFC. I'm announcing it tonight on SmackDown. I got a Red Brie Mode t-shirt with black leggings and black pumps.

I change my theme back to Beautiful Life.

"So after all the drama in my life, with Dean*boo* and Nikki*boo*, I've decided to go to UFC." I tell the WWE Universe.

"No!No!No!No!" The Universe starts chanting.

"Well I will stay on 2 conditions, Dean Ambrose will stay away from me, well actually 3 but for Nikki Bella to stay away and last but not least a divas championship match." I say.

"Yes!Yes!Yes!" The Universe starts chanting.

•So shall Brie stay?
•Shall she leave?
•Shall Dean and Nikki refuse to stay away?
•Shall Brie win the Divas Championship?

Enough said,

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