41-Pregnant and Alone

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Brie POV
Yes, I know I'm pregnant, I kept it from Dean which is a bad thing. I'm planning on telling him tonight. Then him and my friends walk up,

"Look Brie we can't believe you used us! You fucking used us to climb the WWE Ladder! You are nothing but a useless slut." Dolph says.

"Brie you are now a useless worthless pathetic liar who's a slut and bitch. I wish you died in the womb!" Nikki tells me.

"You user! Fucking bitch! You deserve to die! Slut!" Dean says like it was a piece of cake.

"You just plain out used me Brie, I thought we were like family! Guess you are just a pathetic bitch who doesn't deserve to live! You became the worlds worst person ever!" Shawn says to me.

"I thought you were different, but your just the same. Hit it and leave like nothing happened. You are a worthless useless person. I agree with Nikki I wish you died in the womb!" Randy screams at me.

I guess they don't care about me. I guess I only have AJ and Paige to help me through this pregnancy. Maybe they hate me so much they can't stand to see me. Who told them such lies? I feel like crying. I lurk around after they left. I slowly make my way to Stephanie's office, but while I get there I get nasty looks from people.

I knock,

"Come in!"

"Oh my, Brie what happened?" Stephanie quickly questions.

"Have you heard? Someone spread a rumor that I used my friends and Nikki and Dean. They said hurtful things. Rewind the camera footage in the left hallway." I say and she does.

"Look Brie we can't believe you used us! You fucking used us to climb the WWE Ladder! You are nothing but a useless slut!" Dolph says.

"Brie you are now a useless worthless pathetic liar who's a slut and a bitch! I wish you died in the womb!" Nikki says.

"You user! Fucking bitch! You deserve to to die! Slut!" Dean says like it was a piece of cake.

"You just plain out used me Brie, I thought we were like family. Guess you are a pathetic bitch who doesn't deserve to live. You became the worlds worst person ever!" Shawn says.

"I thought you were different, but your just the same. Hit it and leave like nothing happened. You are a worthless useless person. I agree with Nikki I wish you died in the womb!" Randy said.

"Aww Brie, you can have as much time as you want off. I'm coming over tomorrow. I'm giving you 50 dollars, use it on a bunch of ice cream and rent 21 Jump Street and 22 Jump Street. Buy cookie dough and cookies and cream." Stephanie says and hands me fifty dollars.

"Good cause their my favorite. I'm gonna need a while off, I'm pregnant. Would you like to be the godparent?" I manage to get out.

So Bries broken. Pregnant, and has time off.

Wonder what will happen, (I'm only asking cuz my mind comes up with random things)

Feel free to message me!!!!!!
I don't bite! Lol!

Please Bo-Leave!!!!

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