Part 12

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(Note: the Fourteen and Thirteen in this part belong to Relevant-Zucchini68 on Reddit)

After Looney picked up the dress from Obelus, she brought them to the church to help her.

"So, Obelus, we're going here to meet the couple that I am helping out. I was hoping that you could help me with what I need to do next."

"What DO you need to do next, Looney?"

I need to find a wedding officiant. Someone who actually will GET Pink Seven and Paper Clock married.
Do you know anyone who could help?"

Obelus thought for a second.

One of Four's parents getting remarried...
They didn't know this Paper Clock fellow...

But it did know someone who used to help Four...
And who Four's parents had befriended.

"I have an idea," it said.

Obelus led Looney Rooney to a somewhat familiar house.

"Fourteen?" Looney Rooney read off the front door. "But green Fourteen doesn't like pink!"

"Not THAT Fourteen," said Obelus. "We're talking to a different one. One who knows Four - and likely his parents - better."

Obelus knocked on the door. Looney stepped behind them.

A hot pink Fourteen answered the door.

Oh, hello, Obelus! How are you doing?"

"I am doing great. Thanks for asking! This phone behind me, as you may remember, she is Looney Rooney!"

"Miss Rooney, huh? Well, what does the office superstar need me for?"

"I am here because Obelus had an idea that you could be the wedding officiant for Pink Seven and Paper Clock's wedding. It led me here."

"Oh! That is a good idea based on how well I know Pink Seven, but I am busy packing my things for a family reunion that won't be in Goiky."

"When is the vacation?"

"In a week."

"Well, there's two weeks until the wedding... so..." Obelus tried to think. "Will you be available by then?"

"No, I won't. Sorry about the inconvenience."

"It's alright," said Obelus, smiling. "Good luck on your vacation."

"Thank you," said Fourteen. "By the way, I always loved that smile, Obelus."

"Thank you - I mean - no problem! Haha!"

"You're so funny, Obelus."

"Excuse me," said Looney. "If you aren't going to be available for the wedding, can you please tell us who can be?"

"Of course, Miss Rooney," said Fourteen. "You can count on my friend, Thirteen. They're a lime colored Algebralien, and he is very good at things when it comes to weddings!"

"Thank you for the advice," said Looney.

"You are very much welcome," Fourteen said. "Bye-bye, Miss Rooney and Obelus."

Fourteen then closed her front door.

Looney and Obelus walked down the dusty street that lacked a paved road until they came to a lime green house with an actual greenhouse in the backyard.

Obelus knocked on the door of the house.

Thirteen peeked out of the doorway.

"Oh, hi there," he said. "Who are you?"

"I'm Obelus, one of your friend Fourteen's former patients, and this is my friend Looney Rooney."

"Looney Rooney? The wedding planner?"

"Yep! Fourteen told us to come here!"


Looney stepped in front of Obelus.

"We are looking for a wedding officiant, but Fourteen will be on vacation when the wedding happens, so they told us to count on you for it," she said.

"Oh, I see," said Thirteen. "Although I only really do gardening now, I do have the stuff to legally officiate a wedding, so I am happy to help! Where is the venue and when is the wedding?"

"The venue is the church near the graveyard, and the wedding will be in two weeks."

"Very well," said Thirteen. "I will do whatever I can to help out."

Thirteen then closed their door and went fully into their house.

"Woohoo!" Looney cheered. "We did it!"

"Yes, we did," said Obelus. "Now, can I go home?"

"Of course."

So Obelus headed to its house.

And Looney would deal with whatever she needed with a little more ease.

Because Thirteen knew writing and reading the best, besides gardening, that is.

Word total: 675

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