Part 13 (ft. surprise YTuber cameo)

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While the wedding was being prepared, someone special to one of the soon spouses and another special to the best woman, Looney Rooney, were watching from the far-up skies.

Four, feeling as free as one's spirit, was flying around and exploring the sky.

"Wheeee! This is my favorite thing to do!"

Then, Four sat on a cloud and watched over his friends.

"But spending time with my friends, even if I'm not physically with them, is the best thing to do... of all the things to do."

Four happily sighed.

"I think about my friends sometimes, because sometimes I feel a little... eh... lonely."

A voice interrupted Four's thoughts.

"Then you should make a new friend!"


"Oh! My apologies for scaring you."

"Who are you?"

"Well... many call me GameCube."

"Okay," Four replied. "You look like someone who just entered the afterlife. See, you're up here, but don't have wings or a halo."

"Well, actually... I didn't die."


"Do you know someone named Looney Rooney?"

"The phone who ran the office shop before it went out of business?"

"Yeah. She and I were in a hot air balloon one time, and I fell out. I landed on a bunch of clouds somehow, and here we are."

"Oh, my," said Four. "Do you need a ride to the ground?"

"Of course! I was waiting for someone to ask me that!"

"Well, you could've asked one of us up here, then! In this part of the afterlife, we are always here to help!"

"Why, thank you, uh..."


"Thank you, Four. Wait. Were you the host of BFB?"

"Yeah. Hope you enjoy the ride, GameCube."

Four picked up GameCube and took to the sky with their wings.

"I mean, I said that many call me GameCube, but I'll tell you what my actual name is."

"Oh. What is it?"

"Naerokathigor, or Nathaniel, if you wish to call me that."

"Okay, Naero! Next stop, Algetown!"

Four and GameCube landed in Algetown, in the Equation Playground. Weirdly, it was empty.

Oh, well.

Four gently placed Nathaniel on the ground and looked around to see if anyone was around.

Looney approached the playground.

"Thank you, Four!"

"No problem! If you want to say goodbye, you can say it anytime! Gotta go!"

"Goodbye," the GameCube whispered as his friend, Looney Rooney, came to the playground.


Looney noticed Nathaniel all by himself, looking up at the sky.

"What happened, my friend?" she said curiously.

"An angel guided me down from the sky."

"Huh, that's weird," Looney muttered. "Anyways... Would you be willing to help me plan the wedding that is happening in one week?"

"No, thanks. But be sure to add me to the guest list!"

"Oh, alright, Nathaniel. See ya later."

"Later, Looney."

Looney walked off. She had no idea what Nathan was talking about, but whatever kept his boat afloat.


Haha, Nathaniel Bandy cameo go brrr
Also, I made Four the main focus of this part.
Surprise, surprise!

Word total: 500

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