August 12 2012

280 13 0

I lay on the couch watching a ridiculous show feeling empty. He used me like I was nothing. Made me fall for him probably like he's done to so many others, but I fell so hard for him. I fell so quickly and it hurts me worse knowing that I'll ever be able to kiss him again. I had known him for a little under two months and yet I had such strong feelings for him.

I turn the channel bored of the show. The TV flicks to the news where the lady is talking about some stupid thing happening with protestors about candy. Then there's something across the bottom of the screen that catches my eye. In bold print as she starts saying the sentence.

"The band Motionless In White still not found after missing almost a week of tour dates. Suspiciouns are going around that someone had it out for them. They haven't found a direct source to who gave us this information of this recorded message. "

A image comes up of a blank face and then a scratchy message starts playing.

"911 what is your emergency." A police officer says.

"Help us." One of the boys who I recognize to be Ryan says.

"Sir can you please speak up, I can't hear you."

"Please help us, we're in a dark place, we don't know where we are."  Ryan's voice pleads, his voice dry and cracks a bit.

"Can you describe the room to me?"

"Someones coming." I hear Josh whisper frantically. The call drops, the line going dead.

"That is the only thing the police have at this time. They're calling in special forces to find out where the phone call was dialed from. "

The blood drains from my face as I realize what that means. They're lost, could be dead, and I've been sitting here thinking they've been ignoring me. I quickly pick my phone up standing up feeling like I'm going to puke. I dial Serena's number having her pick up almost immediately.

"Hey babe." She says once she picks up.

"Serena get home now, please." I say quickly, the panic evident in my voice.

"What why?" She asks sounding worried moving around.

"I will tell you once you get home, please hurry." I say and hang up.

I sit down on the couch feeling ready to puke.

About ten minutes later the door quickly opens and Serena runs towards me frantically.

"What happened?" She asks looking at me.

"I just watched the news. Have you watched it reccently?" I ask her.

"No, why what was on it?" She asks turning towards the TV which is on mute.

"Josh hasn't been ignoring me, neither have the guys." I whisper scrunching my face. "They're missing." I whisper and feel tears fill up my eyes.

"What, no, that-that's not." She says not being able to form words.

"All they have to go on was the bus abanndonded besides Korel who was in there and a phone call." I say, knowing more after looking up about it.

"You're joking right?" She whispers.

"No." I shake my head tears quickly pilling down my face.

"what do we do we have to do something." She says sounding like shes about to cry.

"I don't know what to do either, Serena. All I can think of his Josh's phone saying someones coming and how terrible his voice sounded." I say shaking my head my heart falling into my stomach repeatedly.

We sit in silence except for the clicking of her phone.

Who knows how long we sit there with just the clicking of her phone, but then she finally speaks up.

"I Just bought us, Jax, Erika, and Mika tickets to go to Flordia, where the bus was found and where Korel is being hospitalized." She says.

"What? Why did you buy them for Erika and Mika?" I ask her my voice wavering.

"I texted Erika telling her we were leaving the job to go do this and she said they needed to come to help." She says causing me to nod.

"What are we going to even do? It's not like we know anything about it and I'm sure we won't be able to see Korel." I whisper looking down.

"We have too, I'm not letting my favoirte band die and especially not letting your heart get broken over this." She states.

"Now lets go get clothes together, our flights leave in four hours." She says standing up causing my eyes to widen.


I look out the window of the plane, my stomach in knots. Who knew this would be happening to me? My boyfriend getting kidnapped along with friends.

And boy I didn't expect my life to end up the way it did.


OOOoooOo plot twist


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