July 30 2012

645 25 2

"Nothing suffocates you more than

The passing of everyday human events

Isolation is the oxygen mask you make

Your children breathe in to survive

But I'm not a slave to a god

That doesn't exist"

But I'm not a slave to a world

That doesn't give a shit." 

My foot taps along with the beat of The Fight Song by Marilyn Manson. I'm sitting in the airport waiting for the MIW boys to get here. I'm in North Carolina surrounded by many people that I've never seen in my entire life. Did I mention that I'm here alone? No? Well I am and it's actually quite terrifying. 

"And when we were good

You just closed you eyes

So when we are bad

We'll scar your minds

Fight, fight, fight, fight

You'll never grow up to be a big-


They'll just cut our wrists like

Cheap coupons and say that death

Was on sale today." Marilyn sings into my ear. 

I really wish they'd get here. I've been sitting in this chair for god knows how long and I already have my luggage. Ugh I hate airports. 

"And when we were good

You just closed you eyes

So when we are bad

We'll scar your minds

But I'm not a slave to a god

That doesn't exist

But I'm not a slave to a world

That doesn't give a shit." I stand and make my way over to the miniature starbucks. 

I order cookie crumble frappuccino. Don't judge me, this drink is amazing. 

"The death of one is a tragedy

The death of one is a tragedy

The death of one is a tragedy

But death of a million is just a statistic." 

As the lady hands me my coffee I spot Josh. I immediately smile and drag my shit over to him pulling my headphones out of my ears. I tap on his shoulder causing him to flip out and almsot knock my coffee out of my hands. 

"Watch the coffee!"My voice rises a bit in pitch. 

"Hello to you too." He laughs causing me to giggle. 

"Where the hell have you been I've been like sitting here for half an hour and it's not fun!" I say taking a sip of my drink. 

"I've been trying to find you for like the past half hour!" He repiles. 

"You should've called or texted me you butt nut." He laughs at my name for him. 

"We should get going. We have to be in Cincinnati by eight tomorrow morning." He takes one of my bags. 

"Hey stop wait." I hold my hand up before he starts walking. 

"Yes?" He raises an eyebrow. I giggle a bit and press my lips to his softly and quickly. 

"I've waited for weeks to do that." I groan out causing him to laugh. 

"Well, they're all yours this week." He laughs. 

"Only this week?" I raise an eyebrow as we start walking. 


I keep staring at Ryan as he stares at me. 

"So like would it be cheating if I slapped Ryan in the face?" Ricky asks. I smirk a bit as I can see Ryans eye twitching. 

"Yes, dumb ass, that would be cheating." Chris replies. I try not to laugh because that would immediatly make me loose. 

"Come on, someone blink already!" Korel complains. 

Ryan's eyes squint a bit almost touching, just blink already dammit. 

"I know you want to blink, I can see it." I whisper. 

The bus instantly jerks to a stop causing Ryan's eyes to squeeze shut as he falls onto Ricky. 

"Yes! Victory!" I squeal jumping up and laughing. 

"You suck, that wasn't my fault!" Ryan graons out causing me to laugh. 

"Sure, sure." I grin and sit back down. 

"Ryan, it's your turn to drive." Josh says walking up the stairs of the bus. 

Ryan groans and stands, leaving the bus to get to the front. 

"Did I like miss something?" Josh asks raising an eyebrow. 

"You helped Abigail beat Ryan in a stareing contest and made us loose ten bucks to Ricky." Chris groans causing me to laugh. 

"You guys should've known that even without the bus stopping I would've won. I can keep my eyes open for ten minutes without blinking." I lean back into the couch chuckling. 

"Well now we know!" Angelo throws his hands in the air causing me to laugh. Josh sits down squeezing between Ricky and I, half his butt probably on Ricky's lap. I laugh more at the sight of this and scoot over a bit. 

"Get your fat ass off me!" Ricky complains making me laugh. 

"Well, maybe you should move your fat ass so I can sit down." Josh argues making me giggle. 

Ricky groans and stands up, going to sit by Ghost. I giggle and pull my legs to my chest as I feel Josh's arm on my shoulders. 

"Sorry I look like complete ass hole right now." I chuckle slightly looking at Josh. 

"No shh, you look beautiful as always." I laugh a bit. 

"No, I got barley any sleep cause of how excited I was to come then like I didn't take a shower and just ew." He chuckles. 

"Do you want to go try and sleep?" He asks. 

"If I could?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah, of course. Do you want to sleep in the back where it's not as loud?" He asks. 

"Probably would be nice." He nods with a smile and stands. I stand and follow him to the back almost having him hit me with the bathroom door. 

We both laugh a bit but I make it to the back of the bus safely. 

"Gosh Josh, trying to kill me the first day I get here." I grin and shake my head. He chuckles softly with a big grin on his lips. 

"Oh, Princess, it's just because I adore you!" He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me towards him. I laugh a bit and wrap my arms around his neck. 

"Well thank you, means so much!" I roll my eyes giggling. 

"I know, I'm awesome." I laugh more at him having his lips press to mine. 

A big smile is on my face as our lips slide against each other. 

"Ew, go away." Allie groans making me laugh. 

"So where am I going to sleep?" I ask raisinga an eyebrow.

"Well there's two bunks open. The bottom one or the top one." He says pointing to the back row of bunks. 

"I think I'll take the bottom one, the one I can reach." I grin and press my lips to his again. 

"I'm so glad you're here." He whispers after the kiss. 

"I'm so glad I'm here." I reply smiling like an idiot. 

Abigail(Josh Balz)Where stories live. Discover now