August 14 2012 Pt. 2

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"Hello?" I hear a voice answer the phone.

"Allie?" I ask, the voice sounding different , but still a female.

"Uh, yes?" They ask sounding nervous.

"Where are you?" I ask.

"I'm at home, where else would I be?"

"Oh I don't know looking for your boyfriend?" I say kind of confused at how casual she's sounding.

"Fuck," I hear a quick whisper from the other side of the phone. "I don't have a car anymore , I can't look."

"Are you sure this is Allie?" I ask.

"Who else would it be?" They say sounding a bit nervous.

"Okay, can you get ride down here?" I ask.

"No, I told you I don't have a car anymore." She says getting upset.

"That's why I said can you get a ride, why the fuck are you getting so defensive?" I ask starting to get annoyed.

"Because you're ambushing me with all these questions!" She squeals causing me to flinch.

"You need to calm the hell down, Allie. Get a ride down here." I say now upset that whoever it is, Allie or not, is being this way.

"Where are you?" She asks me.

"I'm where the crash sight was." I say causing her too be silent.

"Where is that?" She whispers.

"Florida." I state getting angry now. How could she not care about her boyfriend missing, this is absurd!

"Oh yeah, I'll try. I don't know if I can. I'm pretty busy lately." She replies.

"What the hell? You act like you could care less about him, what the fuck? I don't get how your boyfriend of over a year, you could just drop like he doesn't matter. Fuck, I haven't been with Josh for over two months and all I can think about is him. Who are you because you're not the Allie I met on warped tour." I say my angry words flying out my mouth.

"Maybe it's because I can't do anything." The line goes dead after that before I reply causing me to throw my phone with a scream.

"So what happened?" Serena asks me, her eyes wide.

"That was not Allie." I spit standing up.

"Then who was it?" She asks me.

"I don't know?! But that was not Allie, the voice, everything she was saying, not Allie." I say.

"Calm down, Abigail." She says seriously.

"How could she not care? How could whoever it was say that they're Allie but not care that Ryan is missing?" I say squeezing my arm.

"Stop, Abie." Serena says pulling my arms apart.

"How could she not care if I'm here dying over it?" I ask my fists clench and lungs tight.

"Because its not her, you know its not and I know its not." She says holding my arms tightly.

"How do you know, you weren't on the phone with her." I say looking her in the eyes.

"Because if you're this worked up over it, I know it's not her." I nod lightly in reply to her.

"Now, we're going to solve this stupid locket riddle and then we're going to go back to see Korel, and talk to him about it when he wakes up." I nod at her. We found out Korel was moved to a different floor without any staff knowing. He was asleep like he never noticed anything. We left to let him sleep so he can hopefully remember things.

"So name off everyone that you've loved, even if you don't anymore." Serena says.

"Should I write them down?" I ask.

"Probably be best." She says.

I stand and go to grab the little notepad and pen they have in each hotel room. I sit back down on the bed I was at and start thinking.

"I doubt it's my dad's but I guess I can put them." I write Aaron and Alan down and continue on writing the names of the people I've loved in my life.

Aaron, Alan, Serena, Jaxon, Erika, Mika, Josh, Ben, Lola, Dave

"I can't think of anyone else." I say looking up at Serena." I say.

"Oh come on, you've loved so many people." She says.

"Not like truly, like I've said I've loved people but like didn't mean it." I say.

"What about Logan, what about Ash, what about Taylor?" She asks.

"I don't love Taylor, but I do love Logan and Ash." I write down the two names.

"Alright, so the list is Aaron, Alan, you, Jaxon, Erika, Mika, Josh, Ben, Lola, Dave, Logan, and Ash." I say.

"Okay and which of those do you not love anymore?" She asks.

"You." I grin at her.

"Fuck off." She laughs a bit.

"But literally, the only two that I don't like anymore is obviously Ben and then Dave."

"Okay so, which one did you love, and now hate. Who is a king and will destroy your fate?" She asks.

"Well, Dave really didn't do anything terrible to me, he just left so it'd have to be Ben." I whisper kind of.

"Wheres the locket? and where's the paper I drew the symbol on?" She asks.

I pull the locket from my back pocket and sit it in front of me.

"I don't know where you but the drawing but there's the locket." I say causing her to nod.

She grabs it and looks at it.

"Do I just say "Ben"?" She asks me causing me to shrug.

"Ben." She says simply. The locket sits in her palm doing nothing.

"Try Benjaman Joseph." I say. After I do I hear a little click."

"I think it just unlocked, and I just realized his initials are B.J." she says causing me to roll my eyes and grab the locket.

I open it up and am faced with two sides of the locket. The left has a picture of Ben and I, but there's someone else in it. I squint and realize it's Josh, I look at the other side in panic again.

You've unlocked me, so now it's time too find me. You want him back you must do something for me in return.

I read out loud causing me to frown.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

Abigail(Josh Balz)Where stories live. Discover now