August 17 2012

145 6 5

My head pounds as my body seems to wake up, my eyes scrunched together tightly. I try raising my hand to my head but my arm seems to be restrained, because it doesn't budge. I open my eyes slowly to see the girl with the white hair staring at me, her lanky body standing in the corner, leaning on a wall. 

"Good morning sleeping beauty." She grins, her mouth filled with white sharp teeth. It sends a shiver through my body, the teeth not looking human. 

"Where am I?" I somehow manage to get out, my throat being dry. 

"You're on a bus!" She squeals a bit, clapping lightly. 

"Where is Serena?" I ask, so many questions running through my head. 

"So many questions, I'm suprised you haven't asked about your boyfriend!" She says, slowly making her way towards me. 

"Do you know where he is?"I ask, panic rising in my voice.

"Of course! But no you can't see him, not yet, sorry!" She says sitting down beside me on the couch that I'm tied too. 

"I don't know about you but seeing you tied up like this makes me feel a certain way." The words spill out of her mouth, a venom inside. She traces her long nails up my thigh causing me to shiver, my stomach turning a bit. 

"Lilith!" A voice booms from behind me, her hand immediately retracting. I try and look but my body won't move. 

"I can't help it, Rain!" She stands, a small squeal coming out of her. 

A built figure walks into my view, pushing the frail looking female harshly to the floor. 

"You disgust me sometimes!" His voice booms again. He quickly turns to look at me, his features just as stern as his voice. He's pale as the female, his hair dark like Serena had described it. 

"Where are we going?" I ask, the fear in me not strong enough to keep me from talking. 

"You'll find out soon enough." He grins, the smile cynical. 

"Where is Serena?" I ask for a second time. 

"We left them where we found you." He says simply and walks towards me, making me jump a little. 

HIs large hands fumble with the knots that surround my wrists, the tight rope slowly loosening as the ropes are no longer around my wrist. I quickly sit up on the couch I'm sitting at pushing myself into the corner of it. 

He quickly reaches out for me, my body freaking out but not strong enough to push the man away. He grabs my arm and quickly sticks a needle in it, my body immediately shutting down.


My eyes blink open to be faced with blackness, almost feeling like their not even open.  There's something around my wrists again, the weight heavier than the rope that was on it. I move my arms up and realize their stuck to a chain. 

"Hello?" I say out, my voice croaking. 

I hear a quick gasp of a human. 

"Hello?" I ask out again, trying to get whoever it is to reply, my panic finally setting in. 

"Abigail?" A voice asks. 

"Who's there?" I start crying, my head whipping around but the blackness keeping me from seeing a thing. 

"Abigail, it's Allie." The person's voice cries out, her voice filled with sorrow and hope. 

"Allie!" I shout, tears falling harder now. " I knew it wasn't you on the phone, what happened where are we?" The words fall out of my mouth quickly. 

"I don't know where we are. All I remember is the bus crashing and I woke up to this. You're the first thing that has happened or spoken." She says, her voice quivering. A loud screeching noise happens causing my hands to go to my ears, a bright light shining in. 

I scrunch my eyes closed, the light hurting. I feel my body being lifted, but my arms still stuck in the shackles. I start kicking and screaming at the person, my bodies fear at high. 

"Stop!" A voice says sternly, the voice different from the man earlier but still harsh. A sob escapes my lips, the fear shooting through me higher than I've ever felt before. 

"Abigail!" Allie cries out. "Don't leave me!" She screams as the guy holds onto my body, her screams loud as I can't do anything about it. 

The light that I had previously squinted at I'm now drug out into, the white room surrounding me. 

"You're to clean yourself up." The man says sitting me down after opening a room. 

He pushes me in grabbing my arms with the shackles, attaching them together removing myself from  a large block I was attached too. He quickly slams the door behind me, leaving me alone in a dirty looking bathroom. 


i'm so sorry!! I forgot about this story!!!

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