August 13 2012

259 12 0

We sit in a car that's driving us to the hospital that Korel is at. We found a hotel for the rest of the few hours of the night that were left. Not that I had slept a wink. I was up all night looking through everything online with what they know and things like that. I may have cried a bit too. I'm filled with anxiety to the brink of feeling like I might pass out. I'd say puke but I ended up gagging a bunch last night, but nothing had come out because i had nothing in my system.

"Abie, we're here." Serena says pulling me out of my thoughts.

I nod and slide out of the car that Serena and Jax are already out of. I think Mika and Erika stayed back at the hotel room.

I walk beside Serena up to the large building that probably is holding hundreds of people in it. Serena starts talking to a lady and pulls me to talk to her.

"I'm sorry but we can't have anybody go up to his room right now, they said that they only wanted family in their right now." She says to Serena.

"I am family, I'm his sister." I say, bluntly lying.

"What's your last name?" She asks me.

"Korel." I state simply causing her to sigh with a nod.

"Alright, I can take you up to his room. He's not supposed to have visitors right now just because they're still going through the questioning process but since you're the first family member that has shown up I'm sure they'll be okay with it." She says causing me to nod.

We follow her for a little bit, winding through halls and halls of rooms till we come to the end of a hallway that has a police officer sitting outside of. I bite my cheek and enter the room with his permission, Serena and Jax slowly trailing behind me.

"Alright, Mr. Jackson will be out here if you guys need anything and there's also the nurse call button." The lady says and leaves the room.

I walk over to the bed where Korel is laying on. One of his eyes is purple and green, with a large bump, his eyelid covering it. There's multiple scratches all over his face along with a bandage on the same cheek. His arm is in a cast but that's all I can see because the rest of his body is covered by a blanket.

"Josh." I say trying to get his attention.

His eyes move over to look at me, this one eye widening a little bit.

"Help." He croaks out.

"What? What do I help with?" I ask him already panicking.

"Help-help th-"he cuts himself off with a huge cough. "help the bo-boys." He gets out causing me to nod.

"I don't know where they are, what happened? What did you see?" I ask him quickly.

His eye closes tightly, a small liquid falling from his eye meaning he let a tear out.

"Th-the bus was pushed." He says his voice weak.

"What do you mean? Pushed?" I ask him.

"Th-they made us crash." He says again this voice so hoarse.

"Who? Who did?" I ask him my stomach turning quickly.

"I don-don't know." Another tear slides down his head.

"Korel, we need to know, did you see any faces, license plate number, a type of car, were they from South Dakota?" I ask him trying not to freak him out.

"I'm pretty sure that it said South Dakota on their plates." He says talking a bit better but the scratch still in his voice. "One of them, I saw their faces." He says his eyes still closed.

"Did you tell this to the police?" I ask him.

"I just woke up." He says causing me to nod.

"Can you try and describe what he looked like?" I ask him.

"It wasn't a male, it was a female." He replies.

"Alright, I'm going to write down the features alright?" I ask him seeing a pen and paper. He tries nodding but cringes in the process.

"Don't move, I don't want you in more pain then you probably already are."I say pulling a chair by the bed, the pen and paper in hands.

"Alright, tell me what you remember seeing." I say getting ready to write.

"Her hair, was pure white it seemed." He says probably trying to remember what he saw. "It was long and curled. Her eyebrows were just as light as her hair, almost seeming like she had none." He says slowly. "Her eyes were almost black it had seemed. Her eyes were also a blood red, but her face was perfect symmetry. She was almost glowing also it seemed."

"Are you sure this isn't just a dream?" I ask him.

"No, I know it's not because what she did next I'd never seen in any dream of mine. She literally fucking grabbed Chris and Devin like they were little dolls and threw them out of the bus right before it started rolling." He says.

"Wait she was in the bus before it rolled?" I ask him.

"Yes, they always have some chic on the bus just as company, you know?" He asks.

"Yeah, I remember but they never looked like the way you're describing." I reply.

"And that's the thing that I was trying to tell them but they wouldn't believe me when I said she looked sketchy."He replies.

"So what exactly happened?" I ask.

"I was driving, and a car beside us kept pushing us to where we were getting closer to the off road, we were near like a foresty area too. Well I looked back in time to see Chris and Devin get thrown out and then it went to hell after that." He says causing me to nod.

"Alright, I think we're going to go look at the place it happened. I'll be back later and let you know what we found, okay?" I ask him.

"Please, just find them. They're my best friends and if I lost them I don't know what I would do." He pleads.

"I will, I'm not loosing them either." I say causing him to nod

Abigail(Josh Balz)Where stories live. Discover now