August 15 2012

247 7 3

Whispering voices fill my ears, the whispering sound more like screams however. I stand alone in a room that looks so familiar but I can't put my finger on what it is from. I feel as if there's someone in here with me, even though I am alone. It's like eyes are watching me, waiting for me. I turn around too catch what is looking but nothing is there. I turn back around and move my feet, to explore the oh so familiar space, the whispering never dissipating. Out of the corner of my eye I notice the movement, but what is it? As soon as I look over, whatever it was disappears. I finally recognize the place which I'm in to be my old house, back in the small town I grew up in. I find myself outside of is the bedroom I had so many things happen to me in. As I get closer to the doorway opening I hear a rustle inside. I silently walk over to the entrance, the whispering louder with each step I take. I convinced myself to push myself into the room to see what was happening. Nothing, nothing but emptiness. Emptiness except for the girl sitting on the floor which I just now happen to notice. The girl is hunched over, her black threads of hair covering her face. Silent sobs come from her as her body quivers. 

"Are you alright?" I ask the girl, curious as to what is happening with her.

Moments after I ask the question a piercing scream rings through my ears causing my eyes to squeeze shut and my palms press against my ears. The scream feels like it lasts forever as I can't seem to open the lids to see what's happening around me. I feel the room around me spinning as the piercing scream continues on for about five minutes until it suddenly stops. I slowly remove my arms from my ears and open my eyes too see Josh standing there. 

"Josh." I whisper out and try walking but realize that my feet are stuck in mud that has replaced the wood of my past bedroom. 

"Help." He utters causing me to start crying. Tears start sliding down his cheeks as his eyes go pitch black. 

A scream erupts from my throat causing me to shoot up. My eyes fly open, the hotel sheets sticking to my body. 

"What the fuck? Are you okay?" Serena's voice cracks from beside me. 

"Uh, yeah, uh, I just had the scariest fucking dream." I sigh flipping my legs over the bed. 

I notice something on my legs causing my brows to furrow.

"What was it about?" She asks. 

"Josh- Do you know what this is?" I ask holding up my leg to her. 

"What?" She asks confused. 

"Has this always been there?" I ask her pointing at what looks to be a birth mark, that I don't remember. 

"Uh, I don't know? It's not my leg?" She says confused. 

"Yeah, sorry, it just looks like,"I pause trying to think about what it looks like."something from the house back in Laughlin." I say looking at the  mark on my leg. 

"Let me see again?" She asks, sitting up. 

I grab my phone to shine light on the mark on my body. She looks at it for a few seconds then something apparently clicks in her mind.

"Isn't that the logo from the t-shirt Ben gave to you?" She asks me.

I think back to the shirt, but what was the band.

"What was the band though?" I ask her. 

"I don't know, it's too early to think, you're the one who owned the shirt." She says causing me to nod. 

"I guess I could go ask Erika, she probably knows."I whisper looking down and sighing. 

"She's honestly probably awake." Serena replies. 

"Probably." I nod. "I'll just send her a text." Serena nods in reply and slides back down on the bed. 

I take a picture of the mark on my body and send it to Erika. 

Hey, E. Just found this on my leg, I know weird. Serena thinks it's a band logo, do you know who?

I hit send and then look back at my leg. 

You'd think I'd be more weirded out by this, but it's either too early for me to comprehend, or I'm just numb to feelings right now. It's odd that something like that would just show up on my leg, but then again this entire experience is odd. Your boyfriend going missing, finding a locket that has to do with your ex love, people appearing and disappearing, Allie, Korel, everything. My phone buzzes underneath me causing my thoughts to drop. 

Hm, looks like Cryptic Indecencies logo for their album Tuckered out. 

My eyes widen, the memories of it all rushing back to me. 

"I have a surprise for you!" Ben sang to me excitedly. 

"What is it?" I asked him with a smile. 

"Well, guess who got us tickets to go see Vampires Breath!" He grinned, the familiar grin, the grin that I had fallen so deeply for.

"No way?" I gasped, the shock of his words almost making me not believe him.

"Hell yeah, tomorrow night at the Rev!" He says which caused me to squeal, Vampires breathe was the band we would always listen too together.

"I'm excited!" I had squealed for the second time that day.

"Me too!" He had sung and grabbed my waist, spinning me around a giggle spewing out my mouth. 

The next day we had went to the concert, we enjoyed ourselves and laughed like there was nothing else. When it came to the end of the concert we went to the merch booths where all the bands were selling their clothing items. 

"What do you want?" Ben asked me as I looked at the tons of merchandise. 

"I have no idea, surprise me!" I smiled at him, my voice weak from the singing and screaming I had done about five minutes prior. 

"Okay, stay here, I'll go get something, don't be bummed if you don't like it." He had said, which in turn got him an eye roll. 

A few minutes later he came back with a white tee shirt in his hands. 

"Since you like angsty female punk bands I got you a shirt for that band tonight." Ben laughed handing me the shirt. I snickered at his goofy words and took the shirt from his palms. 

The shirt had read Cryptic Indecencies, the photo underneath it is a cartoon looking female with a mohawk and her tongue was sticking out. 

"Ben this is sick!" I had screeched and jumped on him.

The memory ends, the memories almost making me sick to think about. 

Thanks E. You're correct. 

I lay back down on the hotel bed and mull over the information I've just found, what the fuck does this mean?


How are you guys liking the plot twist of this story? What do you think's going to happen? Comment your feelings!!!

Abigail(Josh Balz)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt