August 14 2012

289 15 3

I lay on the hotel room bed looking at the locket. I can't think of anything with this.

Something you loved, something you hate. I'm a king , willing to kill your fate.

What does that mean? There's so many possible answers but yet I don't know what or who it is. I tried looking it up online but got nothing. Faced with a "no results found" and the shittyness of the internet didn't help.

Maybe I should make a video and the kids will help me figure it out? I sit up and pull up the camera on my phone. I look at myself in the cameras reflection and fix myself up a little. My hair is a rat's nest and dark circles trace under my eyes. My usual pale flesh looks more sickening then before. I hit the record button and start talking.

"Hey you guys, it's Abigail. So as many of you probably know my boyfriend and his band are missing. I'm at a hotel close by the crash sight and was at the crash sight earlier. I found this locket that won't open, but there is a riddle on the back. The riddle goes,
"Something you loved, something you hate. I'm a king , willing to kill your fate."
And I have no idea what it means by that. The only reason I'm making this right now is because I need help finding what it means. I've tried looking online and asking friends but they've drawn a mind blank. I can't tell you everything that is happening I just need to solve this riddle so I can get inside of the locket and maybe there will be something inside to tell me what's happening.

I'll talk to you guys later." I stop the camera and immediately upload it too my YouTube.

Maybe they will be of some help. I drop my phone on the hotel bed and stick the locket in my pocket.

"Serena?" I call out walking into the other connected room.

"Yes?" She asks me, putting her once long hair, but now dreaded hair into a ponytail.

"I can't sit anymore, I don't know what to do. This is giving me a terrible feeling and I can't figure out what it fucking means." I sigh looking down onto the floor.

"Maybe we should go and ask random people? Go see a fourtune teller?" She asks.

"That sounds so fucking ridiculous. Especially for this state." I sigh shaking my head and go back to the room.

"I'm sorry, I'm just trying to fucking help. I can't help that I don't know what to do." She says following me.

"I don't know either!" I shout my eyes filling with tears. "The man that has stole my heart is missing, Serena. I'm fucking dying inside. I literally feel like my heart has been torn out of my fucking chest. I've only been talking to him for like two fucking months and I already want to spend the rest of my life with him. But I can't because he's fucking missing!" I shout the warm tears sliding down my cheeks.

"I'm sorry, Abigail. I am. I'm frustrated too. I know he's your life and it kills me seeing you like this. You don't know how badly I want to just go find him for you, to see you smile again. I miss my best friends smile and it's killing me." She says tears sliding down her cheeks now. 

I walk over too her and embrace her in my arms, wishing that this could all be over now. I just want o find Josh and go back too my life and live happily.

"Hey guys." I hear Jax say causing Serena and I's hug to end.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"So Korel is gone from the hospital." He says causing my eyes to widen.

"What?" I ask.

"I called the hospital so I could talk to him and they said that he checked out about three hours ago with his brother?" He says.

"I don't remember him ever talking about a brother?" I say looking at him confused.

"Neither do I." Serena says.

"Should I call again or should we go to the hospital?" Jax asks.

"Let's go to the hospital, that way they can help us more." I say causing both Serena and Jax to nod in agreement.


We all walk up the concrete connecting to the hospital. I have fear and anxiety inside of me wondering if it really was a brother that we didn't know about or if it was someone that had to do with the logo. I swiftly make my way inside of the hospital too see that it's quite calm in here for a hospital.

"Hi, I was here yesterday and I was visiting my brother, but apparently he got checked out today?" I ask the lady.

"What's your brothers name?" She asks. 

"Josh Korel." I reply causing her to look through her computer.

"It says he's still here, are you sure he got checked out?" She asks looking back up at us.

"I called in earlier and someone told me he wasn't here anymore." Jax says causing her too nod.

"Let me go check with our receptionist, I'll be right back." She says causing me too nod.

"This is fucking weird." I say turning around to face my friends.

"If it wasn't weird enough before, it definitely is now." Serena whispers staring in a direction causing my brows to furrow. I look to where she's looking too see the white haired girl standing there, grinning at us.

I quickly make my way over to the female but am stopped.

"You can't go back here, this is for workers only." A guy stops me causing me to look up and see his features are stern.

"But-"I look back and notice shes not there anymore. "Sorry." I whisper shaking my head and walk back to my friends.

"Why did that guy stop you?" Serena asks.

"Apparently it was only for staff members. She was gone when I looked back." I say scratching my head.

"This is fucking weird, you guys." Jax says causing me to nod in agreement.

"Alright, so I just went and asked, she said nobody has called asking about patients today." The lady that we talked to earlier comes back.

"Oh okay, can I go see him then?"  I ask.

"Yes," She looks at the computer then frowns a bit. "it says he was moved too C wing, but it hasn't been used in months." She whispers sending shivers down my spine.

"Let me go get my supervisor." She whispers and stands up, scurrying off.

"You guys this is creeping me the fuck out." I whisper turning back towards them.

"Do you ever get that feeling of someone watching you?" Serena asks looking around.

"Yeah, do you feel someones watching you?" I ask her.

"Yes, but nobody is." She says worry starting too rise on her features.
"I want to go home." She whispers causing me to be saddened.

"We can go soon, I just want to find Korel. Whatever this is is trying to taunt us and I have no idea why." I sigh out and look around.

"Did anyone try and call Allie?" Jax asks causing me to whip around.

"No, she was on tour with them, why haven't I heard anything from her?" I ask pulling out my phone.

"Maybe shes with the guys?" Serena asks.

"Korel didn't mention anything about her though?" I reply.

"True." She sighs.

"I'll call her in a little bit, don't let me forget."

Abigail(Josh Balz)Where stories live. Discover now