August 16 2012

198 9 3

"Hey, is this Lilith?" I ask into the phone. Looking at the number in front of me. 

"Uh, yeah, who is this?" A female's voice answers, the voice is very raspy but smooth. 

"Hi, I'm sorry if this is weird but my name is Abigail, I went to one of your guys shows quite a few years back." I say. 

"Oh, uh, can I help you?" She asks sounding very confused. 

"So this may sound absolutly insane but my ex boyfriend was there with me that night. He bought me a white tee shirt of yours and now years later there's a birthmark on my leg that looks like the logo. We're having some weird shit go on right now and I'm just trying to solve a puzzle." I say crossing my fingers she doesn't hang up.

"Is this a joke?" She asks me. 

"No, not at all. I'm dead serious." I say. 

"Ok-Okay, what can I answer?" She asks me now sounding intrigued

"Do you know anyone of the name Benjamin Johnson?" I ask her. 

"Actually, yes. He's come to a few of our recent shows, bought backstage passes and everything." She says which causes knots in my stomach. 

"Did he seem weird too you? Say anything weird? Anything else?" I ask. 

"Himself wasn't weird, but who was with him. He was actually normal and the people he was with stood out." She says. 

"What did they look like?" I ask again. 

"Well, they were all really pale, almost white. They had really define features. All they did was follow him like body guards, even females. It was really weird." She says. 

"Did they all have the same mark on them?" I ask. 

"Yes they did." She says giving me hope. 

"Oh god thank you. By chance were is yournext show going to be?"

"Hm not sure, we're on the road right now, let me go check the schedule." She says causing me to nod, even though she cant see. There's a bit of rustling then I hear her voice. 

"We're gonna be in Orlanda Flordia tonight. We were supposed to be playing with a few bands tonight but they canceled so it's just us." She said causing my eyes to widen a bit. 

"Oh man, we're in Flordia like an hour away from Orlando. By chance we're you going to be playing with the band Motionless In White?" 

"Hey man, I think so. If you can come by the show I can maybe help you out more. But I have to go for right now. Shoot me a text if you end up coming. We're playing at the Knitting factory." She says rushing. 

"Alright, I'll try." I say before saying my goodbye. 

I press end and sit my phone down rubbing my eyes a bit. I let out a sigh and look up to see eyes on me. 

"So?" They ask. 

"We're going to a concert I guess"


We all walk up to the building in front titled the knitting factory where the concert is going to be held in a little less than two hours. I walk towards the doors of the building hopeing that they'll let us in. I have no makeup on and probably look like a mess but I'm not here to enjoy a concert but here to find my boyfriend. 

"Can I help you five? The concert doesn't start for a few." A man says to us. 

"We're friends of the band, Lilith the singer told us to come meet her." I say to the man. 

"Nobodies aloud inside, go around back, the bus is back there." He says causing me to nod and make my way towards the back. 

The ground is dirt with rocks here and there. I see the bus and make my way over to it determined. I quickly reach the bus and knock on the door so we can talk to them. Almost immediatley the bus door opens and I'm faced with the guitarist from the band. 

"Can I help you?" She asks me almost looking confused. 

"Uh, Lilith told us to come here to talk to her, is she here?" I ask. 

"Oh yeah!" She says with a smile. "Follow me, homie!" the girl says. 

"My names Erika, I play guitar." She says. 

"My names Erika too!" Erika says from behind us. 

"Dope dude!" She says. 

"Alright, so she said she'd be back in like ten minutes, she ran to get coffee or something or other. Feel free to chill with us in the back or you guys can stay up here, whatever you prefer." She says with a smile walking to the back. 

Everyone except Serena and I follow the new Erika to the back of the bus. I decide to sit down waiting for Lilith to come and talk to me. Serena sits beside me and lays her head on mine a bit. 

"What if we don't find him." I whisper, my eyes filling with tears. 

"We will." She says, her voice soft.

"God I miss his laugh." I say the tears falling from my eyes. 

"I know." She starts rubbing my hand a bit. 

"I wish  he could just hold me and kiss me and tell me everything is okay." I mutter tasting the tears. 

"I know honey, just keep a positive mind set." She says obviously struggling herself. 

There's a loud crash in the back of the bus and a scream causing shivers to go throughout my body. 

"What was that?" I whisper paniciking standing up a bit. 

"I don't know." Serena says sounding scared like myself. 

"Should I go look?" I ask. 

"I don't know, but yes I'll go with you." She says causing me to be a bit confused but I'm too distracted to ask why her answer was so weird. 

I slowly make my way to the back, smelling something that reaks, the smell disgusting. I plug my nose in disgust as I go to grab the door handle. 

As soon as I do I feel my body go through the air as something pushes me back with force. I land on my back harshly, pain shooting throughout my body. I groan out as I try and stand but get forced back down. 

"Nice to meet you, my names Lilith." A girl with pure white hair, and pale skin grins at me, holding my body down with force. 

Abigail(Josh Balz)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon