June 28 2012 Pt. 3

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"Okay, Michael I dare you to run over to Chelsea Grin's bus and slap Alex if he's asleep." Chris snickers. Oh the weird boys. 

"Fuck, okay be right back. Don't skip me!" He squeals and stands running off. I giggle and watch as he fades into the other busses. 

"Fuck, how long will he take?" Ricky groans. 

"Probably like an hour." Chris says rolling his eyes. "Just skip him, who wants to dare next?" He asks. 

"Me me me!" Ricky says making me giggle. 

"Okay, Abigail, truth or dare?" I think about it for a few seconds then answer. 

"How about dare?" I question a bit afraid at what he might do. 

"Okay, I dare you to go on the bus and to the back longue, we'll send someone back there and you have to spend an hour with them!" He excalaims making me chuckle. 

"Okie dokie." I push myself off the chair I'm sat in. 

"Try not to fuck the other person, okay?" Chris asks scincerly making me laugh. 

"No promises." I wink at him cuasing him to chuckle softly.

I walk onto the bus and wander to what I'm guessing is the back longue. I mean I've been on tour busses before because I have done makeup for bands a few times when they pass through and they're usually in the back of the bus, considering its called back longue. I was right because I'm now in a longue with black slick couches. I sit myself on one crossing my legs underneath me and then twirl my hair a bit. I would've talked to my camera except it's in my bag which is back outisde. I sigh in frusteration at my forgetful mind then pull my phone out, holy fuck it's already 9pm. I have a few missed messages so I click to look at them.

ERIKA: Hows everything going??:3

Jaycee: Makeup in a week? Yes yes??? ;)


I laugh as she uses a Motionless song. What a fucking nerd. 

Me: It's going good, one of them brought up ben but other than that I'm okkkk:3 having so much fun tbh! even though I'm probably going to be leaving soon e.e

ERIKA: Aw good, you deserve to have fun haha you rarely have fun. 

Me: Oh bulllll, I love hanging out with you and Bilbo, seriousy<333

ERIKA: sureeee lol 

I hear someone stomping onto the bus and quickly tell Erika I have to go. I shove my phone in my pocket expecting to see someone like Serena or Ricky but guess who's head pops through the door, Josh fucking Balz. 

I groan and fall back into the couch, I give up here! I'm going to kick Ricky's tiny ass for doing this. 

"I don't want to be here either, princess." He basically spits and sit across from me. 

"Why did you agree to fucking come here if you didn't want to be here?" I cross my arms and feel his glare on me again. 

"Because, they made me. I would never come here willingly. Who would want to be in the pressence of the she devil?" He asks coldly. 

"Fucking grow up, Joshua." I glare at him, remembering him all to farmiliarly from back in school. He was a year older than me but Ben would always hang out with him so we'd always be around the other person.

"How about you grow up and tell me why you fucking broke my best friends heart?!" He growls and sits up. 

"You really want to know Joshua?! He said that I fucking cheated on him and that I probably have herpes and that he wish he'd never touched me. I couldn't stand hearing the bull shit come out of his mouth. When you're fifteen you don't want to hear that your cunt is disgusting when you only slept with one guy in your entire fifteen years! I was in love with Ben till he spit those fucking words at me! I would've done anythig for him but then he stomped all over me! That's why I broke up with him, whatever he told you is bull shit because he broke me!" I say my heart beat quickening as I get more and more anxiety. 

Abigail(Josh Balz)Where stories live. Discover now