August 3 2012

642 22 3

I let my hair fall loose from the curler that Allie had put in about an hour ago. I do the same with the rest of the curlers that are in my hair letting the curls fall free. I run my fingers through the mess as Allie starts talking.

"Why are you so beautiful even without makeup?" She groans causing me to laugh a bit. 

"Oh hush, you're just as beautiful if not even more beautiful!" I argue.

"Girls girls, you're both beautiful." Devin interupts causing us both to laugh. 

"Oh so are you Devvy!" Allie says in a voice that you'd talk to your animals with. 

I wipe concelor and foundation on my face, setting it with some powder as Devin and Allie talk behind me. I then draw my eyebrows on how I normally do them, fixing any mistakes that are there. I then put some eye primer on my lids, using my finger for this. I go in with a metalic rose color and pat that on my eyelids, covering up the white.Then getting a shimmery white, I apply that under my brows. Next I grab a light pastel purple, using a brush, and put it right under my brow bone taking it down to the crease, also putting it on my lower lid, blending it out. I then choose a much darker purple and put that in my crease blending it out into the metalic and light purple, just so there isn't any harsh lines. Using the same dark purple I line my lash line with a thick line of it, not on my waterline but right under it. Again I blend blend blend. I then take a white cream pencil and "color" the inside of my eye with it. Taking a black gel liner, I line my water line with the color. Then taking the dark purple, I smudge out the liner to make it look more natural in a way. I then apply my false lashes, pushing them in place. While I wait for the lashes to dry I start to contour my cheeks with a bronzer, along with doing my forehead. After I use the bronzer I clean up the bottom of my cheeks with the skin tone powder, making it nice and clean. I take a big brush and blend the two together to make sure again that there is no harsh lines. I take the product named Urban Decay Naked llluminated and brush that on my temples and around my eyes, just to give some more shimmer than I already have on my face. I decide my lashes are dry eneough and finally apply mascara on the top and bottom lashes. Finally, I gloss my lips with a light pink lipgloss. I go back and clean off my piercings with a makeup remover sheet, making sure there's no product on them.

"Goodness, you're like a godess when it comes to makeup." Allie groans at me causing me to laugh. 

"Oh hush, I'm a cosmetologist. I better know what the fuck I'm doing." I laugh and she nods in agreement. 

"You should so do my makeup!" She grins at me. 

"Alright, what do you want done?" I ask her with a smile. 

"Well this is what I'm going to be wearing." She says and holds up a dress. It's black and has lace sleeves that flare out. 

"Oh, I know! Sit down ma'am." I grin at her.

She does as told, allowing me to start working on her face. She already has her eyebrows done so I work around them, putting foundation on her skin. 

"You don't mind that makeup is possibly going to be caked on your face?" She giggles a bit. 

"Go for it." I laugh and nod.

I start off with a white shadow on her eyelids and crease. I then take the same shimmery white that I put on my brow bones on her brow bones. I blend the two whites together agian making sure there's no harsh lines. Taking a minty green, I pat that on her eyelids. Now taking a black, with a smaller brush, I trace her outter crease, bringing it a little past the middle. I grab a tissue and allign where her eye ends towards where her brow ends. Taking the black again I apply it in the corner right by the tissue and blend it out with a bigger brush. When I remove the tissue there's a nice straight line of black eyehadow. I nod with a smile and do the same thing on the other eye, blending a lot. Going in with the black again I finish putting the black along the creases of her eyes, and like usual, blending it. To make the eyeshadow more straight I take concelor and slowly drag it along the line, just making it more smoothe. I take the black eyeshadow again and line her bottom eye lid, not on the water line but right under. I take a liquid liner and make a cat eye wing with the top liner, extending it out pretty far and also point the inner eyeliner. I then apply bronzer for her cheek bones doing the same steps I did on my face. I finish off with applying false lashes and mascara.

Abigail(Josh Balz)Where stories live. Discover now