July 22 2012

848 29 1

I hum a bit as I walk around my room throwing clothes around. Today by The Smashing Pumpkins starts playing causing me to smile. I remember listening to this song as a kid as it came out a few years after I was born. My dad's always played The Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, and bands like that. I love both the bands very much.

Today is the day that I ask about going to a few warped tour dates. I'm really nerveous to be completely honest. I'm afraid that Erika's going to fire my ass on the spot. I can't even believe I'm going to risk my job for him. I really shouldn't because of how he has treated me but I can't belp but want him, you know? 

I click my music off after choosing an outfit to wear and putting it on. It's nothing classy, ripped up white skinnies and a skull crop top, spiked platniums on my feet, and a spiked collar around my neck. i have an appoinitment today at work that I'm actually quite excited for. It's a new client and I can't wait to see what she wants. 

I pick my phone up to see a missed call from my dad, curious I call him back. After a few rings he picks up. 

"What where you doing, missy?" He says sterly but jokeingly. 

"I was getting ready to go to work." I laugh a bit. 

"Oh okay, good girl. Anyways, your father and I are going to be in Pheonix today, would you like to have dinner instead of lunch?" He asks making me smile. 

"Yes, I'd absolutley love that." 

"Great! Well we will pick you up at work at eight?" He questions. 

"That works, but I have to talk to Erika about something before I leave."I say sliding my arms into my leather jacket. 

"Okay darling, see you tonight." He hangs up after that causing me to smile. 

I walk out of my room into the kitchen to see Serena sitting at the table in her PJ's, eating cereal. 

"What're you doing? We have work today you know?" I raise an eyebrow grabbing a tea out of the fridge. Peace Tea is the best. 

"I don't, I have today off. Kevin and I are going to this art museum at four." She shrugs. 

"Dude seriously? My dads are going to pick me up from work and I was hopeing you could take the car home." I whine sitting across from her. 

"How about you walk your lazy ass to work?" She raises an eyebrow. 

"I'm wearing my platniums today, no can do." I say leaning back in my chair. 

"Okay, I'll drive you to work then come back here." She shrugs. 

"That works. Are you ready to leave?" I ask her. 

"Let me finish my cereal." She graons making me smile. 


I spin in the chair at the front desk as the only noises in the shop is the buzzing of the tattoo machine and talking from Mika and the customer. My phone buzzes in my pocket causing me to look at it. 


I giggle a bit. 




Josh: you're a dork. 

Me: Eh, so are you...

Josh: :* 

Me: ew no, back away kreep. 

Abigail(Josh Balz)Where stories live. Discover now