June 27, 2012

926 29 0

"Baby, wake up!" I hear Serena yell. Little does she know i'm already awake.

"I am awake, you ass hole!" I yell through the walls. Our walls are kind of not sound proof so you can hear a lot of shit if it's loud eneough. That is not a good thing sometimes. Her and her boyfriend do a lot of shit, the nasty.

"Yeah yeah!" She yells back. I skip out of my bathroom and into my room to throw on my outfit. The thing about my clothes is I wear really weird clothes, today it happens to be kind weird. Not to me but to others probably. The shirt is a Lana Del Rey tank top with her flawless face, then I have high wasted shorts that are ripped, for my bottoms obviously. I have a studded leather jacket over the top of the shirt, I know it might get hot but if it get's hot I will take it off. I have pentagram  garters that connect to long black socks. I have my studded creepers on my feet, I'm in love with them. Finally I have a collar on my neck.

I exit my room, after putting that on and grabbing my phone and wallet. 

"Come on darling, we have to be at work in ten minutes, why do we always do this?" I yell knocking on her door. She throws the door open with a gasp. Her long brown hair is flying everywhere. She has her Jack Skellington pullover on, crazy woman. Her legs are covered by her Beetlejuice pants and on her feet are studded platnium heels which I think are mine.

"One second, I can't find my phone!" She gasps out. I dial her number into mine and let it ring for a few seconds. 

"Incomplete, alone and unfinished, my flaws in design are all I've become" Her phone starts screaming. It's Scissorhands(The Last Snow) by Motionless In White. That song reminds me of who is going to be at the shop today. An ugh escapes my lips just at the thought. I'm sorry but hell, would you want to see a guy that basically destroyed you a bit on the inside? I know I fucking wouldn't because I don't.  

Serena grabs her phone.

"Got it!" She grins and walks out her room.

"Ready?" I ask, she nods in reply. I grab my car keys off our coffee table and walk out the door.


"Get your fat ass off of me, please!" I yell at Serena. I'm trying to order more paint and plastic for the chairs for the shop.

"But I like your lap, it's comfy and warm!" She giggles making my eyes flick in a circle as I roll my eyes.

"Serena, I need to get this done." I groan at her. A voice is cleared making us look up to see Bilbo.

"Knock it off you two, we have customers." He says pointing to the door as three boys walk in. Serena's eyes go wide as she gets off my lap. Guess who it is, Josh Balz, Chris Motionless, and Ricky Horror. Ricky is nice at least, never met Chris, and you know my feelings about Josh.

"Hello, welcome to Tattoo's n' stuff. I'm Serena, how can I help you lovley boys?" She smiles leaning on the counter. I roll my eyes at her again and go back onto the computer adding more product to the the online shoping cart.

"Yeah, I have an appointment with, Erika?" One of them who I am guessing is Josh says to Serena. She turns around and yells for Erika.

"She shall be here shortly," When she says that Erika comes up.

"Josh?" She asks. He walks to where she is standing and pulls out a photo of Freddy Kruger. I tune out of their conversation and go back to what Serena is saying.

",so how are you boys? I'm guessing a bit tired." And here comes the Serena I know and love. She talks to everyone, especially people she loves. She doesnt fan girl on the outside, well I guess it could be considered fan girling when she talks and is kind of creepy. Chris laughs.

"Uhm yeah actually, how do you know that?" He says to her.

"Oh yeah, I know you three are on Warped Tour, which by the way I will be atending with my lovley Abigail here." She throws an arm around my shoulders. Chris laughs a bit again.

"Well that means I guess you know who we are then, right?" Chris asks again.

"Yep! Chris Motionless, Ricky Horror, and Josh Balz.. I promise I'm not a creep, I just love your guy's music." She says with a smile.

"And by that she means she's been to every show you guys have played in Arizona and she follows you on all social media." She throws a glare at me making me grin. Ricky and Chris laugh a little. My work here is done, much lame very wow.

 "Do I know you?" Ricky asks me.

"We met last year when you guys toured with Black Veil Brides. We talked for about half an hour." I shrug a little. He chuckles a bit.

"Yeah, I remember you I was having a smoke and you put the bud out by spilling your coffee on me." He laughs a bit more. I blush and laugh softly.

"Yeah, still, so very sorry about that." I rub the back of my neck a bit. People always tell me it's a weird habit because apparently 'only guys do that'. When you have a habit, you can't help it.

"So you guys are going to warped tomorrow?" Chris asks now leaning against the deep red counter.

"Yep, I won the tickets yesterday, fucking excited." Serena chirps up making me smile. I press a few things, the order is in and now I can breathe. I turn in my stool to face them.

"You guys seem pretty chill, will you two be at the signing?" Chris asks.

"I definitely will, don't know about this one." Serena points to me.

"Well you guys should, you can come find us and we can chill for a bit." Chris smiles.

"I like that idea! Very smart Mr. Motionless!" She grins and he laughs lightly.


I'm so fucking bored  I've been sitting at the counter and have talked to one person. That's what sucks about being a makeup artist and not a tattoo artist. I'd like to do tattoo's but I don't find it nearly as fun as makeup.

"So, do you do tattoo's?" Ricky asks me. I shake my head and scratch my cheek.

"Nope, I'm a cosmetologist but I specify in makeup." I reply sticking a chip inside my mouth. Thank goodness for vending machines. 

"Then why do you work here?" He raises an eyebrow.

"It's a way of income. It's a part time job though, I do appointments though for like music videos." I shrug.

"Oh, nice." He replies simply.

"When the fuck is Balz going to be done?" Chris complains to Ricky shaking his arm.

"I don't fucking know man, go check." Ricky replies making me laugh a little. Chris groans and stomps like a little kid over to Josh.

"Is he always like that?" I ask Ricky causing him to laugh a bit and nod.

"Yep." We hear Chris yell a yes. I turn to see Erika coming over towards me.

"Ready to take a photo?" She asks me. I nod and grab the camera walking over to Josh who is looking at his new tattoo in the mirror.

"Could you possiby sit down so I can take a photo, please?" I ask him. He nods and sits down on a chair that we have right beside the mirror. I lean over him focusing the camera on the tattoo. I take the shot of it causing the flash to go off. 

"Thank you, you are free to go now, not that you couldn't leave before but yeah." I roll my eyes at myself and turn to walk to go to the front. 


Ah I love this story tbh, I'm putting a lot of my personality into Abigail's character which is odd because I rarley do that but yes(:

Vote and comment please<3

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