Rotten Man & The Rotted Plan

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Thane:(mind) How did I get myself into this mess?

With the compass provided by Azrei, Thane followed it out of the God capital Ome'Alf, and into the wilderness where he had been walking for over a week now.

Thane:(mind) All I wanted was a few questions answered but now I'm a Champion...

Thane:(mind) I know it's a pretty high position someone could ever achieve...

Thane:(mind) Still... She could at least try using her words to answer my question.

Thane:(mind) But what does it matter now? A god is a god. Can't really say no to them...

Walking past a few bushes, Thane finds himself at a farm.

The compass still pointed forward thus he continued walking straight, through crops, fences, and "keep away" signs. He only walked around a house.

Thane: How far is it- Oh it changed directions?

Walking back the way he came, Thane saw it change directions once he got in front of the house.

Thane:(stares at house)

Inside the farmer's home, the man and woman of the house were in a heated discussion.

Farmer: We have to talk about this...

Wife: There isn't anything to discuss... Everything is fine.

Farmer: But it's not- What in tarnation?!

The Farmer shouted as he saw Thane climb in through their window holding a compass.

Wife: Huh-AHHHH!?

Thane: Sorry to intrude! Official God business!

(Opening Theme)

He walks through the house, to see in the middle of it, the compass would simply spin around.

Thane:(mind) There's a necromancer here? Or lost soul... Don't know how to tell which it's searching for.

Farmer: Stop right there!

Pointing a kitchen knife at Thane, The Farmer with his wife behind him threatened Thane.

Farmer: We don't want any trouble. But if you try anything I'll use this!

Thane: Hey, do you know of any undead here?

Farmer: Undead?!


Thane: Right! I forgot to introduce myself.

Thane: My name is Thane. And I'm sorta the new Champion of Death.

Farmer: Champion of Death? There's no such Champion!

Wife: Honey, there was supposed to be a tournament in the God capital to decide that thing... He might be the real thing.

Wife: Just look at his outfit...

Farmer: Hmmm... Can you prove it?

Thane: Prove what?

Farmer: You're the Champion you claim to be!

Farmer: Show me your magic weapon.

Thane: Weapon? All she gave me was this compass.

He holds out the quite mystical-looking compass. It was white like bone, with graves-like stitches all around it. Thane flipped it open for the couple to see that it spun.

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