made it inside.8

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"Excuse me, but your faces..." The maiden from before spoke again. I began to panic. Can they see through masks? I heard of some ghosts that can do this easily.

"Your faces are so well maintained!" The ghost maiden complimented I sighed in relief. These women don't know or recognize me, so they weren't witnesses to anything connected to my past. Shi QingXuan, when I glanced behind, was covering their faces with a sheer face covering. They really enjoy adding to their beauty. They began to laugh, placing their hands below their chin with a smile.

"Yeah, I think my face is quite nice too!"

"Why do you hide behind a mask?" another of the ghost maidens asked, aiming towards me.

"I have business to attend to in Ghost City, so I prefer to hide my face until I meet up with the party participants," I explained. It's not wrong, since I do have business with Honger. Heck, with the luck that Brother and I have, we might just meet up with some old friends that I wouldn't be so against meeting up with.

"Is the little one?"

"my son? he's tired." I nuzzled my face against the sleepy little boy. "We've been travelling for a while."

"Poor things must be exhausted." The woman cooed. Let's see how far we get before we reach Honger. The maidens kept talking to Qing Xuan while we continued through the dark woods to Ghost City. Xai Mio remained close by.


After some time, we finally made it to this dark settlement. traces of bright crimson-traced lanterns and overhanging structures. This must be a ghost city! Kohona was beside me, while my brother was walking on the other side of me. Kiyoshi was awake and watching the area around us. Xai Mio led the way. The entire market was red and black, with hundreds of talismans marking prices and what was what. We passed by a rather large stand with a large ghost I had encountered a few times in the past. He saw my eyes. I nodded to him, and he nodded back before continuing on our way. He sells soup with eyes. There are a few ghosts in this city that I know and have connections to. In another stall, there was a fire brewer with a large crowd. People were cheering and applauding. Some demons were running around with smiles. All there was was cheering and tossing paper about. I caught a singular piece of paper in one hand and looked closely. paper money. useful to the dead and during funerals, not so useful to the living or in any daily activities. I let go of the joss paper, and we continued on. brother, Kohona, and Kiyoshi were all quiet during the trip.

"This city is a sight to behold, isn't it?" I asked in a low voice. looking up to the sky, dark with faint spirits soaring around, barely visible past the bright crimson moon. Neither said a word, but they both motioned to agree. "Qing Xuan must have been taken by the others to have their faces done."

"most likely." Kohona agreed. "The communication array most likely doesn't work either."

"Of course not; Honger doesn't want any spies to have a chance to get any useful information out." I explained it as a familiar black ghost coming into view. I noticed the flower sword and also noticed the man. he was a boar spirit. He is called Butcher Zhu. I met him roughly three or four centuries after Xianle fell.

"Get a move on if you ain't buying!" The boar spat before he saw me. "ah, Mei! wasn't expecting you to come by."

"Glad to see you, Zhu." I greeted her with a slight bow. Kiyoshi hid his face in my hair. I glanced at the human he's been chopping and said, "I hope business's running smoothly."

"as smoothly as possible." He shrugged with a butcher knife covered in blood on one hoof. He's big and clearly has more orders to make. We talked for a little while before someone latched onto my brother's arm! and referred to him as Little Gege!

"off!" Xai Mio ordered as he lifted my brother out of a mildly attractive ghost maiden with their tail.

"Miss, please speak properly." My older brother said it with distaste as he was set back down. The maiden laughed. Now, looking closer, she looks to be a prostitute.

"You called me Miss?" She smiled with her fan over her face. The Scleara of her eyes was dark , and her iris' was lightly colored. She doesn't have a memorable face for me, but she doesn't seem too forgettable. "There's actually someone who'd still call me like this these days? damn..."

We attempted to leave after I waved to Zhu, who looked about ready to get over the stand and butcher her. In an attempt to get her off the flower swords tail, Kohona and I stood on both sides of him while Xai Mio remained close in case needed.

"Oh, come now; don't be like that little Gege." She tried again, but this time I handed Kiyoshi off to Flower Sword before handing him off to Kohona. I blocked her way and grabbed her hand. She wasn't expecting this.

"Lay off, my brother." I told her as my eyes shifted from white and blue to black and blue with a slit for a pupil. "He is not interested in you. You are not his type."

She hesitated before smacking away my hand.

"The hell do you know?" She began directing her anger towards both flower sword and me. I remained composed as she made her thoughts known. When she was done shouting and screaming, she pulled down her shirt enough to reveal some of her chest. I covered my eyes, and my brother was clearly uncomfortable. Kohona, the saint she is, hid my child's view.

"What the hell?" Xai Mio asked as he directed us away. My eyes shifted back to normal. The prostitute continued on when I had enough. I dogged Xai Mio and faced the psychotic woman.

"He doesn't want you because he isn't interested in women." I told her in a low tone before turning back and pulling my brother away before she had time to react.

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