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I rode up to the school at 8:10 and I locked my bike to the bike rack and then I walked into the school, and I saw the hallways were filled with students walking through and opening and closing lockers. People were running in the halls and there were people slipping and sliding on the always mopped hallway near the teacher's lounge and principals' office. I saw Joel and Mike hanging around at the corner and I ran over to them. "Hey, Joel and Mike! What are you guys doing? Joel looked at me and then said, "We're just chilling and waiting for you dude." then Mike said, "We should probably get to our lockers to put our stuff away" We walked down the hallway and then opened our lockers and put our stuff in our lockers. I looked at the clock and saw it was 8:15 and I said, "We should probably have to class now before it's too late" We all went out down the hallway and turned a left to B-17 and then that was when I needed to be. I ran down the hallway quickly and ran into the boy's bathroom. When I walked into the bathroom the first time that was saw were two kids fighting each other. Hey, were really beating each other badly and there were a bunch of other kids cheering the fight one. There were also some kids smoking weed and drinking alcohol. Hey, looked me and started looking angry and so I ran out of the bathroom. When I walked back to Joel and Mike, Joel asked, "What happened back there?" and I told him about what was going on in the bathroom and then Mike said, "I forget that this school is Detroit the school."
In Science class we were watching a science documentary that I was tuning out since I was too bored to listen to what they were saying. But then there was this scene where they were pouring liquids into other liquids. That started to make me need to pee even more and I raised my hand and asked to get to the bathroom. The teacher said no one could go to the bathroom during the whole class. So, now I had to wait to the next class to try to take a pee. So, I had to wait through the whole class as we had to watch a documentary that made me need to pee more and more.
Then in math class I asked to go to the bathroom while we were working on algebra. I asked to go to the bathroom and the teacher said yes so, I ran down to the bathroom. I ran into the bathroom and took a pee in the stall. As I walked out of the stall Kevin and his so-called friends walked into and attacked me. they put my head in the toilet water over and over again and then flushed my hair in the toilet. Then they threw me to the ground, and they ran off laughing then I heard someone grunt as the sound of something hit the ground. They probably pushed the hall monitor to the ground because he was nearby. I walked back to the classroom, and she sent be to the principal's office for an inappropriate hairstyle. After getting chew out I went to class and then the class ended, and we had to go to history class. I was trying to fix my hair in the other bathroom and Mike walked into the bathroom and said, "If I could beat the heck out of them but they expel me for that crap." I laughed and said, " Kevin would try to sue you for everything you have!" We walked out of the bathroom, and we started walking with Joel and he said, "I would just fight him outside school like in the woods or near the scrapyard!" And Mike then said after Joel's comment "Oh, yeah the only thing that guy would take is my crappy trailer and that old beat up portable tv and some trash bags that are leaky."  I remembered that Mike lived in such bad conditions, and I felt bad for him as he had to live like that, but he doesn't seem to mind when he talks about it. Or maybe he just doesn't show what he heals about his living conditions.
In history class the teacher handed us a book about the history of the pencil and had us read chapter 1 through 20. About around chapter 11 I fell asleep and started sleeping but when I woke up class was over. I wrote down in my notebook page 31 to remember to start reading from there in the next day.
In fourth period we had to do the mile that day which meant we had to walk a whole mile around a track which is the stupidest thing ever. Like why you would make us walk a whole mile in a stupid circle like why man! we all had to walk around the circle and at around the midway point of the walk some of the kids were barely walking and others were falling down, and they were on the verge of a heat stroke. Then after the halfway point one kid just dropped to the ground and we surrounded him to check if he was still alive. The teacher yelled at us and told us to leave him there and we had to keep walking and soon another kid dropped and then finally we finished the mile. We went to the lockers and the two kids were still on the ground and when kids asked out them, he said that they will be fine. We got cleaned and went to lunch when PE ended.

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