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It has been 20 days since it started and now, I'm barely staying awake since my body stays to go to sleep but I don't want to go to sleep. I want to stay awake to break the record as I want to get the record, but the rest of my body doesn't know that. The brain knows that for sure but everything else doesn't know that. I think that maybe I might die from lack of sleep but hey everyone dies someday, right? My current score is 982,821 it's getting pretty close to Nolan's score but I'm not there yet not yet. But of course, I need to pass the record and I need to beat the record by a long shot. People will try to beat my record right after I finish this and by the time, I wake up then it will have already been broken. So, I need to get an extremely high record to prevent someone else from being the new champion. If I had a mirror, I would probably see bags under my eyes from the 20 days of no sleep. That's so many days as I think I could also get a third world record for the longest time without sleep. Of course, the genius book worlds don't hold the record for the longest time someone has stayed awake without sleep. But there is somewhere that keeps it and also people will know. People will know that I stayed up for the longest amount of time ever but maybe I might not be alive for it. I hope I will be alive for it but maybe not anyways for some reason soda tastes kind of weird now. Joel brought over a soda for me to drink to stay awake to keep playing pinball, but it tasted strange. Very strange but that may be because my taste buds are tired or something. Man, I need something to eat since it has been 20 days without anything to eat besides soda and other drinks but those are liquids. But I heard you can go a long while without food like a month or so, but I wouldn't do that but of course I am doing it. But I didn't mean it but hey I guess this is what happens and of course I'm inside of a restaurant. That makes it worse because there is food everything but I need to play pinball and I need to get the pinball record so I can't eat. This makes it hard to think and to play but I need to keep going and now the whole restaurant is full of people shouting and cheering. Their going crazy and their takes videos and pictures and there's more shouting and yelling and of course cheering. Man, why did I think this was a good idea? well I guess because I'm stupid and think things like this are good ideas. Well, everyone has stupid ideas every once in a while. I mean we are human after all so don't put the blame on us for making mistakes. That is what makes humans truly human. I guess I wanted to prove I could do something great, and I wanted to prove I wasn't just some failure and could do something to be liked for. Like getting three world records. But even if I stop now when I will get the record for the longest time to have stayed awake. Since before it was 11 days and 25 minutes but now it will be 20 days or more, so I did pretty well for myself. Now I wonder whatever happened to Nolan Mack all those years ago in 1975. He disappeared in 1975 at the age of 18 and now he has never been seen again. I wonder is he dead or is he alive? Was he kidnapped or did he run away from his life of fame and fortune? I don't know but I want to know that for sure since I mean my hero has disappeared off the face of the earth and is nowhere to be seen since 1975. He could be anywhere at anything in anyplace. I think maybe he ran away from his life and then is living somewhere or maybe dead. Maybe he went to live in a hippie commune cause the hippies were still around by the mid 1970's but were dying out quickly. Cause I know the hippie's kind of died out by the time the 1970's started but I know there were still some left around so who knows. Maybe he tried to be like Christophor McCandless that guy from into the wild. You know the dude. who went to live in a van in Alaska and died. I think he could have tried to do that but failed and maybe ended up like Christophor McCandless.
I don't know anything.

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