The visit to BloodWriter

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"BloodWriter, I come to you seeking counsel and guidance. I desire to become a king, but I know I cannot achieve this great feat alone. I seek your wisdom and expertise in this matter. Will you help me become a king?" asked North with utmost respect and humility BloodWriter approaches North and speaks with conviction in his voice "North, I know you and your tribe are facing a great struggle. While I cannot fight in your battles, I can offer my assistance in a different way. I will create a prophecy with dragonets who will rise up and lead your tribe to victory." He pauses for a moment before continuing "I understand the importance of prophecies in the dragon world. They carry weight and power, and I believe this prophecy will give your tribe hope and guidance. It will speak of strength, courage, and determination. And when the dragonet destined to fulfill it is born, you will know that she is the one who will lead your tribe to triumph." BloodWriter looks North directly in the eyes, his sincerity evident "I may not be able to physically help you, but I promise to do everything in my power to create a prophecy that will aid your tribe in its time of need." It fell silent for a moment "Hey, Hawksbill! Can you come over here for a moment? I need to talk to you about something important." BloodWriter yelled "yes?" Hawksbill asked "Listen Hawksbill, I have a task for you. I need you to find a SeaWing egg of the deepest blue. It is of great importance to our cause and must be retrieved as soon as possible. Use all of your skills, knowledge, and resources to locate this egg. Your success in this mission will determine the fate of our plan. Do not fail me, Hawksbill." BloodWriter said "of course" Hawksbill said BloodWriter paced back and forth in his underground lair, frustration evident in his every step. The latest attempt to take over the city had failed, and he had no idea why. He needed answers – and he knew exactly who to call "Hey, Cosmo," BloodWriter said as soon as the other villain picked up. "I need your help. I just can't figure out what's going wrong." He said "I'm sorry to hear that, BloodWriter," Cosmophasis replied smoothly. "What specifically is the issue?" Cosmophasis asked "I need you to get me a SilkWing and a HiveWing egg. I have my reasons and I know you can get them for me." "Of course" Cosmophasis said then flew off to Pantala.

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