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Sir Alec held on tightly to the grip of his sword that was still in his baldric as he searched the area.

Bandits decided to invade the town so everybody  was safely away inside of their homes.

Being the town's guardian it was Alec's duty to protect it. His cape flowed gently behind him as he walked along a path behind the castle, it was the last place he saw the bandit go.

Brown leather boots hitting faintly against the stone path. The moon glistened upon the soldier, being his only source of light. He paused for a moment and listened.

He quickly turns around to a small noise behind him. His sword whistled as it cut through the air. The sound of swords clashing together fills the silent night.

Alec kicks the bandit in the stomach, causing them to fall back. The echoing sound of a sword falling to the ground satisfied Alec. As he spun his sword in his hand he kicked the bandit's sword away effortlessly and began to approach him.

He rips off their mask and points his sword right at them. "If you wish to not be harmed, I suggest you leave now and never return", Alec says coldly.

"Such a pride you got", the bandit snickered. Alec looks at the bandit, confused.

Why is he laughing?

But the next thing Alec knew, he felt a sharp pain go through his back.

The King and Queen waited patiently in their thrones to hear news from Sir Alec. They both knew that Alec always had it under control when it came to bandits. He was an excellent fighter.

"Your Royal Highness, Sir Alec has returned! But he is badly wounded!", a guard yells as he burst through the throne hall. "What?", Queen Meredith says worriedly as she stood up.

"Where is he?", King Roy asked firmly. "He's outside towards the back! I'll take you to him!", the guard exclaims.

They all rush over. As the guard pushed open the door for the King and Queen, they see Sir Alec covered in wounds. "Alec!", the Queen shouts as she ran over to him who was barely able to hold himself up.

"Hello Your Majesty, I managed to get rid of all of the bandits but they've got me good", he says weakly.

Sir Alec then began to cough up blood as he held on tightly to his stomach. The Queen notices.

"Alec let me see your stomach", she demanded. "It's alright Your Majesty"

"Alec show me now"

He sighed but obeyed. He slowly lifts up his trembling hand, revealing a very gruesome sight.

There was a big pool of blood coming out of his stomach.

The Queen gasps as she puts her hands to her mouth. "Medic! We need a medic!", the King shouted. Alec coughs once more before looking up at his Queen.

"Your Majesty..", he says.

"Yes?", she responds as worryness filled her voice.

"The next person who is worthy to take my place...shall take my sword from this here rock", he says as he sliced his blade into the boulder next to him.

"No no, there won't be a next person", the Queen begged.

"It was a pleasure serving you..", his voice fading away as he began to fall. The Queen quickly grabs him before he does. "No no no!", the Queen shouted.

"Alec wake up! Stay with me!", she pleaded.

The Queen had a close relationship with Sir Alec. She treated him as if he was her own son.

She continued to shake Alec awake but it was too late.

He had already tooken his last breath.
605 words

Sudden Protagonist {dnf}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن