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*George's POV*
I slightly grumbled to myself as I tossed and turned.

This is wrong.

The bed creeks as I swung my legs to the side of the bed.

I gently open the door and tip toed out to the living room. I tried my best to not bump or trip over things.

I really should have brought my phone so I can at least see where I'm going.

When I walked around the couch Clay was sleeping on I freeze. "Clay?", I whispered. He wasn't on the couch. I look around but I was only able to see the silhouette of things and none of them resembled the blond.

Where is-

"Boo!", someone shouts behind me.

I jumped and quickly turned around. "What the hell! Don't do that", I exclaimed as I lightly shoved the blond.

I could hear him begin to laugh.

"God I wish I was able to see your face I just know it'd be hilarious!"

"Not fucking funny, you scared the shit out of me! You know what you do deserve to sleep on the couch", I say while walking away.

"What were you doing out here anyway?"

I stop in my tracks to look back around. "I was going to give your bed back but after that stunt you pulled, forget it!", I continued to walk back to the room.

*Clay's POV*
I laugh to myself as I laid back onto the couch.

It only took a couple of minutes for the brunette to come back.

"Well you sure forgive easily", I teased.

"Whatever just get up"


"Why not?"

"Because I told you I'm fine with the couch"

"But I..feel bad"

"Why?", I asked as I sat up.

"Because! I just know for a fact that thing is not comfortable to sleep all night on"

"I'm finee George, go back to bed"

"No, I'm gonna sit here until you move", he says as he sits down on the other couch. I sigh at his stubbornness.

"If you get the couch you wouldn't be comfortable either"

"I'll manage.."

"Why don't we...both sleep on the bed. I mean it's not like we haven't slept with each other before", I say as I let out a soft chuckle.
(Not like that okay you dirty minded people 😭)

"Y-Yeah...you were nice to..cuddle with anyway", George softly admits.

"Okay lets go", I say with a smile.

I stand up and began to make my way over to my room. "Clay wait hold on! I can barely see where I'm going", he whispers.

I go to gently grab George's hand without question and began to walk him over to the room.

His hand was so small compared to mine. But yet it still fix perfectly.

I didn't let go of the brunette until we go into bed. I laid down but George stayed sitting up as he played with his fingers.

"Don't you want to cuddle?", I suddenly ask. I see him turn his head to look at me. "Yeah..I just didn't want to, Nevermind", He says.

I lift up the blanket, allowing him scoot over.

I imminently wrapped my arms around the brunette when he neared. I slightly lift my head up as George buried his face into my neck.

I pulled him even closer as if there was still any space between us.

"Goodnight George", I say gently as I stroked his soft hair.

"Goodnight..Clay..", He whispers as he began to fall asleep.

Ah morning.

I was so glad that Milo actually slept through the night. I wouldn't have wanted to move.

I look up at the clock that was mounted on my wall.

It read 9:38 AM.

I sigh, knowing we would have to get up soon. I slowly back away from the brunette to look down at him.

He looked so pretty.

I wanted to kiss him so bad.

Leave tender kisses on his delicate skin.

But instead I leaned my head down and rested my forehead against his, feeling our breathes mix together.

"You don't understand how much I want to kiss you..", I whispered.

I flinch when I felt George begin to move.

He yawns as he turns to lay on his back while rubbing his eyes. "What..time is it?", He says tiredly.

"Um it's..9:46"

George stops his actions as he shot his eyes open.

"SHIT!", He shouts as he gets out of bed. "What is it?", I asked as I sat up

"I WORK TODAY!", He says, trying to fix his hair.

"You look fine", I reassured him.

"Okay okay I um will come by later", He says quickly.

He suddenly tilts my head up with his hand and leans down to peck my cheek.

He then runs out the room leaving me completely dumbfounded.




*George's POV*
What were you thinking George!?

I anxiously jogged on the sidewalk as I thought to myself.

I mean he DID say he wanted to kiss me!

But I wasn't even suppose to hear that!

I messed up.

He's not gonna want to talk to me.

He's not-

I accidentally bump into someone. "Watch where you're going!", the person says.

"I am so sorry!", I said as I stopped.

"L-Liam?", I say.

"Oh..you're that guy from yesterday. Sorry didn't know it was you", He says blankly as he walked away.

Some pure heart he got.

I scoff, continuing my way home.

I push open the door to my store house? or whatever you call it when I arrived.

"George where on earth have you been?", My dad asks.

"Sorry dad I overslept!", I shout as I made my way up the stairs to my room.
954 words

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